Christian Help For Infidelity: When You Don’t Know What To

As a Christian, you're called to protect yourself from evil. If you're looking for Christian help for infidelity, here's what you need to know.

Your husband’s infidelity is heartbreaking. As a Christian, this truth remains constant—you’re called to protect yourself from evil and pursue spiritual safety. If you’re looking for Christian help for infidelity, here’s what you need to know.

What’s The Spiritual Problem?

If you’ve been led to believe that the betrayal in your marriage is because you haven’t prayed enough or prayed enough yet.

If your husband or clergy has told you the infideltiy is your fault because you didn’t submit to him? These are evil lies.

Spiritual Abusers Want You To Think You're Rebellious

The infidelity had nothing to do with how you communicate, how you look, or even how often you’ve been intimate. YOU are not the problem. Adultry is a sin. Nowhere in scripture does it say a man’s sins are the fault of his wife’s eye rolling.

The real problem is your husband’s emotional and psychological abuse, his chronic lying, manipulation, gaslighting, sexual coercion, and financial secrecy.

Christian Help For Infidelity
Christian Help For Infidelity

There are 19 different types of emotional abuse. Take our free emotional abuse quiz to see if your husband’s infidelity to you includes exploiting and emotionally abusing you.

What the Bible Says About Protecting Yourself

Scripture reminds us of the importance of standing against wickedness and seeking freedom from harm. Here are a few powerful verses to encourage and guide you as you seek to deal with his infidelity as Christ would:

  • Ephesians 5:11 – “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”
  • Proverbs 4:23 – “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
  • James 1:27 – “…to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

These scriptures show that separating yourself from abuse and deception is what God wants for you—it’s biblical. You are not called to suffer in silence or endure abuse for the sake of appearances or misguided concepts of forgiveness.

Healing From Infidelity Christian
Healing From Infidelity Christian

Jesus didn’t come to keep you stuck in pain. He came to bring freedom, peace, and healing.

Luke 4:18-19 tells us His mission was to set captives free and lift up the oppressed. That doesn’t mean women should remain in a marriage where there’s infidelity or emotional abuse, sacrificing her well-being for a man who takes the name of God in vain when he claims to love God, but his actions prove otherwise.

The Bible reminds us to pay attention to actions, not just words. Matthew 7:16 says, “You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?” And in 1 John 3:18, we’re encouraged to “not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

Healing After Infidelity Christian
Healing After Infidelity Christian

If your husband’s actions don’t reflect God’s love, He commands you to prioritize your safety and peace. Jesus came to deliver you from evil. He never asked you to submit to it.

Facing Misguided Clergy or Pressure

Sadly, some people might tell you to stay with a man who is hurting you or taking advantage of you. For example, kind people like clergy or members of your community might say this.

They might even tell you that staying shows your faith or that it’s a good sacrifice. Also, others might say that if you just pray hard enough, God will change your husband. But, it’s important to remember that no one should have to stay in a situation where they are being hurt.

Dealing With Infidelity As A Christian
Dealing With Infidelity As A Christian

This is not what Christ intended. God calls us to live in safety and truth, not submission to evil. You don’t have to be an “abuse victim for Jesus.” Jesus fights for the oppressed and calls for justice.

Of course, you can pray for your husband to repent, but what does that have to do with remaining in proximity to his harm?

Christian Solutions For Infidelity

The Betrayal Trauma Recovery Living Free Workshop was taken from scripture. In studying what Christ said, we teach women to…

  • Get Educated About Abuse: Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. Our Savior wants us to be educated, especially about abuse. Listen to The FREE Betrayal Trauma Recovery Podcast to learn about what other Christian women did when they discovered their husband’s infidelity.
Infidelity Christian Counseling
Infidelity Christian Counseling

Biblical Help When You Discover Your Husband’s Infidelity

The Bible encourages you to cast out evil from your presence. This could include separating from a husband who lies, manipulates, and emotionally abuses you. Choosing safety is NOT a sinful decision—it’s one of strength and faith.

Consider practical steps to safeguard your wellbeing:

  1. Set Boundaries: Begin by creating physical, emotional, and spiritual boundaries with the strategies in The Betrayal Trauma Recovery Living Free Workshop
  2. Connect with a Supportive Community: Attend a Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group Session to find understanding and empowerment with women who’ve been through the same pain.
  3. Seek Truth and Healing: Trust in God’s plan for your freedom, and explore tools like our Living Free Workshop to build a better, safer life.
Christian Infidelity Counseling
Christian Infidelity Counseling

Christ Is With You – Even After Infidelity

Jesus came to bring hope to those who are hurting and freedom to those who feel trapped. He cares about your pain and sadness. You deserve a life full of peace and hope. Start healing from infidelity today with Betrayal Trauma Recovery.

Christian Marriage Counseling For Infidelity
Christian Marriage Counseling For Infidelity
Christian Counseling For Adultery
Christian Counseling For Adultery


  1. very helpful! Thank you so much

  2. Very good information, I will be contacting BTR for further assistance.


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