These terms (the “Agreement”) are between you (“you” or “Client”) and Betrayal Trauma Recovery / BTR.ORG (“BTR”).
Abuse is a global issue, impacting people of every age, race, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, and socioeconomic status.
At BTR, we believe every victim deserves a safe space to process trauma and heal. Our specialized services are rooted in our own experience as cis, heterosexual women of all races and religions. So we only provide services for women over 18 who have been or are currently victims of emotional & psychological abuse and sexual coercion (including their husband’s porn use and infidelity) perpetrated by a male intimate partner.
However, this doesn’t invalidate our deep empathy for lesbians, trans-women, men, and non-binary individuals who have experienced abuse at the hands of others. We invite victims outside our scope, those whom we’re not trained or experienced enough to help, to seek specialized help for their specific circumstances, as we all hope and pray for global healing.
The Betrayal Trauma Recovery Podcast
If you’re interested in sharing your story on The FREE Betrayal Trauma Recovery Podcast or you’d like to invite Anne to speak on your podcast, webinar, or event, contact: podcast@btr.org
BTR Coaches don’t practice therapy in any capacity. Physical violence and other crimes are outside the scope of BTR Group Sessions. Thus, we encourage victims of physical abuse or crime to contact their local domestic violence shelter for guidance.
Similarly, BTR Coaches and Workshops do not offer legal counsel. Legal counsel is outside the scope of the information you’ll receive on the podcast, website, social media or any other service at BTR.
If you’re a woman, over age 18, who has been victimized by her husband (or ex-husband) due to his emotional & psychological abuse and sexual coercion, we invite you to
- Enroll in the BTR.ORG Living Free Workshop
- Attend our Daily, BTR.ORG Group Sessions
- Schedule an Individual Session with a BTR Coach
No Refunds
Individual Sessions must be paid in advance, non-refundable, and expire in six months.
Individual Sessions can be rescheduled up to 24 hours of the session start time.
Workshops are non-refundable, but once enrolled, you’ll always have access to the Workshop.
Access to BTR.ORG Group Sessions is automatically deducted each month until you cancel inside the Client Login. Your card is charged using a secure third party payment processor, so we don’t store your payment information. Charges will show up as BTR.ORG on statements. If you’re concerned about your husband discovering BTR payments, use a card he doesn’t know about.
If you have access to Group Sessions, we’re online, ready to assist you. If you don’t attend a Group Session (or several sessions), your monthly fee will remain active, so you can attend whenever you need or want. For that reason, you will be charged $125 per month until you cancel through the BTR Client Login.
Although you can cancel your access to BTR.ORG Group Sessions at any time, the first payment and any monthly fees thereafter are non-refundable. If you don’t want to be charged again, make sure you cancel your access before the next monthly fee occurs.
If you’re interested in donating BTR.ORG Services to someone other than yourself, visit AbuseVictimFund.org to set that up.
Bank & Credit Card Disputes
When you pay for Individual or Group Sessions, you consent to BTR.ORG charging your debit or credit account. When you pay for any BTR Service, we document that you consented to have your card charged and agreed to these terms, including our no refund policy.
Any BTR charge you dispute will be refuted using that documentation. If you dispute BTR charges, you’ll be blocked from utilizing our services in the future. So rather than dispute, email support@btr.org if you have questions about a charge.
Resolving Bank & Credit Card Disputes
If you’ve disputed a BTR charge, but would like access to our services again, take the following steps to void the dispute:
- Call your credit card company or bank where you disputed the charge[s].
- Ask to speak with a representative.
- Tell the representative that you made a mistake, and you want to void the dispute.
- Ask them how to void the dispute.
- Follow the steps they give you and void the dispute.
As soon as you’ve voided your dispute, email support@btr.org with documentation that shows it’s voided, and we’ll review the situation.
BTR Sessions and Workshops aren’t a substitute for licensed mental health care. As a client, you understand that to receive a diagnosis or treatment plan, you need to visit a licensed mental health professional. You agree to NOT seek any diagnosis from BTR. We cannot treat or prevent a mental illness. We can’t and don’t…
a. conduct professional evaluations of an individual’s mental health, mental illness, or emotional disorder;
b. diagnose mental health conditions;
c. prescribe treatment for mental illness or emotional disorders;
d. administer treatment for mental illness or emotional disorders
You agree to NOT look to or rely upon BTR for any of the above listed services. You understand and agree that BTR.ORG isn’t providing mental health services and that you’re fully responsible for your physical and emotional well-being before, during, and after utilizing any BTR service.
BTR.ORG Sessions and Workshops aren’t a substitute for licensed legal counsel. As a client, you understand that to receive legal advice or counsel, you need to consult with a licensed legal professional. You agree to NOT seek any legal advice from BTR.ORG. We cannot resolve or prevent legal issues. We can’t and don’t . . .
a. conduct professional evaluations of an individual’s legal issues or disputes;
b. determine legal liabilities;
c. suggest legal solutions;
d. administer legal actions or proceedings.
You agree to NOT look to or rely upon BTR.ORG for any of the above-listed services. You understand and agree that BTR.ORG isn’t providing legal services and that you’re fully responsible for your legal matters before, during, and after utilizing any BTR service.
One of the most common things we hear from women in The BTR.ORG Community is how welcomed, safe, and validated they feel (even on their first day). Anyone who has suffered years or decades of emotional & psychological abuse and sexual coercion from their husband understands. BTR.ORG Coaches come to Sessions on time and free from distractions and respectfully request that you do the same. Our Coaching Coordinator may periodically drop into Group and Individual Sessions to ensure client safety.
For your safety and the safety of the BTR Team, you agree that you won’t receive coaching services from any BTR.ORG Coach outside of BTR.ORG. You’ll immediately notify support@btr.org at any suggestion that you receive services from them outside of BTR.ORG.
Because we don’t know what any other woman has experienced prior to attending BTR.ORG Group Sessions, we ask that all clients adhere to some general safety precautions so that each and every woman, no matter her situation or background, can feel secure in our Sessions.
For your safety, clients must follow the Group Session Guidelines (below):
- Because women have frequently been emotionally and psychologically abused by gender dynamics, to provide a safe space, we use the pronouns she/her to describe ourselves (victims) and he/him to describe abusers. If you’re uncomfortable using these pronouns in this way, please schedule an Individual Session rather than attending Group Sessions.
- For everyone’s safety, you may not share your BTR.ORG Client Login information, use a BTR.ORG Client Login that is not your own, or create a BTR.ORG Client Login for someone else. All BTR.ORG Group Session clients must have their own BTR.ORG Client Login.
- When you attend a Group Session, you MUST be in a room alone. If others are in the home, please be in a different room, with the door closed, and wear headphones to protect the safety of other Group Session Clients. If you need to attend to something else, please leave the Group Session and attend a different Group Session when you are free from distractions.
- BTR.ORG Group Session Clients are strictly prohibited from recording Group Sessions for any reason. Recording Sessions will result in immediate termination of access to BTR.ORG Group Sessions, without refund of any fees paid to date.
- For everyone’s safety, we must be able to identify you. First Name, Last Initial, and Video check upon Group Session entry is required. Use only your first name and last initial for your Zoom screen name and be on camera to be admitted into the BTR.ORG Group Session. Video must be on the entire time. Don’t put your personal contact info (last name, email or phone number) as your Zoom name. Clients who violate this policy will be removed from Group Sessions.
- Depending on how many women are in the session or the flow of the session, it’s at the coaches discretion whether to admit late arrivals.
- Because safety is our first priority, BTR.ORG Coaches won’t share your contact information with anyone or facilitate you sharing your contact information with anyone.
- Be mindful of time. Everyone who wishes to share deserves equal opportunity to speak and get feedback.
- Share time may not be available if you login to the BTR Group Session after check-in. Group Sessions are meant for shares of around 5 minutes or less. If you’d like a longer share, schedule an Individual Session. We recommend you attend no more than one Group Session per day. Rather than attending multiple Group Sessions a day, we find women make more progress when they focus on other healing activities, like doing BTR a Meditation, enrolling in The Living Free or Message Workshops, taking classes to advance a career, physical exercise, or talking with a friend.
- Acknowledging that mental health professionals (i.e, counselors, coaches, mentors, advocates, podcasters, working in the betrayal trauma or abuse field in any capacity) aren’t immune to the pain of abuse and betrayal trauma, we’ve found that BTR.ORG Group Sessions aren’t an appropriate place for them to find support. Mental health professionals may schedule an Individual Session with any of our Coaches.
- Acknowledging that many professionals or influencers may have helped you on your journey to emotional safety, promoting other programs or soliciting Group Session clients toward services outside of BTR is not appropriate. For safety reasons, BTR only endorses local domestic violence shelters for services beyond BTR, as we cannot assess the safety of other professionals or programs.
- Although we have a BTR.ORG Group Session schedule, the BTR Coach facilitating any given group may change at any time without notice.
- Our Sessions are a NO PORN and No Masturbation Zone. Our philosophy is that ALL porn/masturbation is damaging, so any mention that some porn/masturbation is or may be healthy creates a safety breach in our Group Sessions.
- To ensure every woman feels welcome, we avoid discussing anything political.
- Many clients have been abused with harsh language, so we don’t use swear words.
- Many clients will be harmed by graphic descriptions, so we don’t share graphic details.
- Many clients are in relationships with alcohol or substance abusers, we don’t drink or vape or use substances in Group Sessions.
- Some Group Sessions won’t be held on holidays, such as: Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, 4th of July
- Occasionally, unforeseen events such as natural disasters, accidents, emergencies, or illness may result in the temporary cancellation of a Group Session or several Group Sessions.
No Guarantees
Summaries on The BTR.ORG website or podcast are intended to provide information about the possible experience of clients and shouldn’t be understood as a guarantee or assurance of future success in any matter. The results portrayed were dependent on a variety of factors and circumstances unique to the particular individuals, including specific facts and circumstances of the matter, the choices of the individuals involved, and unanticipated events. Thus, the results obtained by others – whether clients of BTR.ORG or otherwise – by applying (or not applying) the principles set forth in BTR.ORG services or educational resources aren’t a guarantee that you or any other person or entity will be able to obtain similar results.
Using any BTR.ORG service, website, social media or educational information, you accept personal responsibility for the results of your actions. You agree to take full responsibility for any harm or damage you suffer as a result of the use, or non-use, of the information available at BTR.ORG through our services or educational resources. You agree to use judgment and conduct due diligence before taking any action or implementing any plan or action suggested or recommended, and accept full personal responsibility for your choices and actions.
You agree that the BTR.ORG has not made any guarantees about the results of utilizing our services. You recognize that your ultimate success or failure will be the result of your own efforts, your particular situation, and innumerable other circumstances beyond the control and/or knowledge of BTR.ORG.
You hereby release, waive, and forever discharge BTR.ORG, its owners, contractors, agents, successors, and employees – any member of the BTR Team – from every claim for damages you may now have as well as those you may yet acquire arising out of actions or omissions of a BTR.ORG Team to the full extent permitted by law.
You further declare and represent that you are competent to enter this Agreement and do so of your own free will and that no promise, inducement or agreement not herein expressed has been made to you to enter into this release. The release made pursuant to this paragraph shall bind your heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors, assigns, and agents. If you breach any of the terms of this Agreement in any way, you agree to be responsible for paying all damages incurred by BTR.ORG, including, but not limited to any out-of-pocket costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees regardless of whether litigation is required.
You understand that BTR.ORG Coaches won’t provide testimony or verification of participation for legal, medical or any other purposes.
Furthermore, if any BTR.ORG Team Member is required to appear as a witness or to otherwise perform work related to any legal matter, the party responsible for the BTR.ORG Team Member’s participation agrees to reimburse BTR.ORG at the rate of $300 per hour for time spent traveling, speaking/corresponding with attorneys or other court professionals, reviewing and preparing documents, testifying, being in attendance, and any other case-related costs.
You agree that any non-BTR service, including but not limited to people interviewed on The BTR.ORG Podcast, professionals, programs, etc, and/or non-BTR services referenced by a BTR Coach or other clients is in no way intended to be an endorsement of that person, program, or service. You agree and acknowledge that it’s your responsibility to choose what professional services you use, and that BTR will not be held responsible for damages caused by any other person, program, or service.
Since BTR is a worldwide organization, it’s impossible to ensure that any given therapist, program, attorney, or any other resource is safe for victims of emotional & psychological abuse and/or sexual coercion. Because of this, we don’t make local recommendations for therapists, attorneys or any other professional services. However, BTR.ORG Coaches are equipped to help you research resources in your local area during a session if you’d like support.
Our website will likely contain links to other websites. BTR.ORG has no control of such websites and you agree that these websites aren’t under our control and aren’t subject to our terms. We have no responsibility for these websites or the services provided by such websites. You acknowledge that your use and access of these websites is at your own risk. It’s your responsibility to check the privacy policies and other legal documents of these websites to see how they treat your personally identifiable information.
Because BTR.ORG won’t disclose the identity of clients and therefore can’t respond to or refute such disparagement publicly without revealing confidential information about the client, you agree that you won’t at any time make, publish or communicate to any person or entity or post on any public forum a defamatory or disparaging remark, comment or statement concerning BTR.ORG or any of its Owners, Directors, Coaches, Team Members, or clients. Doing so may result in immediate termination of services and blocking access to BTR.ORG Group Sessions and may result in legal action. Similarly, BTR.ORG agrees to not make any public statements on any forum about your use of any BTR.ORG services, including refuting untrue statements or claims made against BTR.ORG unless compelled by a judges order.
You are strictly prohibited from recording Individual or Group Sessions, for any reason. Recording Sessions in violation of this Agreement will result in immediate termination from all BTR.ORG services, without refund of all fees paid to date. We ask that you keep the names of Group Session clients confidential, although we can’t guarantee that clients will keep confidentiality.
We are committed to maintaining the privacy of our users. BTR.ORG fully complies with the CAN-SPAM Act as enacted in the United States.
When utilizing any service at BTR.ORG, you agree to be added to the BTR.ORG email list, to receive communications from BTR. You can always opt out of receipt of further email correspondence. We don’t and won’t disclose, give, sell, rent, or trade your name, email, or phone number to any unaffiliated third-party and will only disclose it if required by law.
We collect information from users to provide education and services. We sometimes utilize software to record user activity to improve the usability of our website, but we don’t see any private information. Here’s a list of what we might track:
- Your network routing information (where you come from).
- Your Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet and may identify your general geographic location.
- Your computer and connection information such as browser type, version, and time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system, and platform.
- Cookies to identify which areas of our website you have visited, so the next time you visit, we can better personalize the content that you see on our website. If you disable Cookies, you may not be able to use certain functionality on our website correctly or at all.
Users must provide a payment to use our services. We use Stripe and Acuity Scheduling to process payments. Users understand and agree that we cannot control nor can we be liable for the acts of Stripe or Acuity Scheduling, and you agree to hold BTR.ORG harmless from any liability for security incidents or damages which may be incurred by third party payment processing services. Sensitive financial information (such as credit card number) is encrypted and is protected with SSL and stored only on Stripe.
Although we have an SSL Certificate which ensures BTR.ORG provides secure, encrypted communications between a website and an internet browser, BTR.ORG cannot guarantee the privacy of its users from hackers.
BTR.ORG uses reasonable safeguards to protect personally identifiable information about Users. Only BTR.ORG admin who need the information to perform a specific job are granted access to such personally identifiable information.
You agree that the Fourth District Court of Utah or the United States District Court for the District of Utah shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all claims between BTR.ORG and you including, but not limited to claims arising out of or related to this Agreement. You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purpose of litigating all such claims and waive any defense of forum non conveniens. The laws of the State of Utah will govern this Agreement as well as any claim that might arise between you and BTR.ORG, without regard to conflict of law provisions. In the event of litigation, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its court costs, attorney fees, deposition costs, and all other litigation expenses.
Entire Agreement
This Agreement contains the entire agreement between BTR.ORG and Client. If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected.