My Husband Defends Everyone But Me – And Now I Know Why

I've always wondered by my husband defends everyone but me, but when I discovered the reason, I was shocked. Here's what I discovered, and how I got through it.

I’ve always wondered by my husband defends everyone but me, but when I discovered the reason, I was shocked.

1. My Husband Defends Everyone But Me Because He Wants To Maintain Power Over Me

My husband purposefully kept me less than, and his manipulation worked. It kept me spinning my wheels always trying to prove to him that I am lovable.

Because he defended everyone else, they viewed him as an amazing person. And felt sorry for him that his wife (me) wasn’t worthy of him.

2. He Wanted To Keep Me From Finding Out The Truth About Him

My husband had been hiding a double life for years. Through lying and gaslighting, he kept me from discovering his pornography use and infidelity.

All the lying and deception was emotionally and psychologically abusive. Take this free emotional abuse quiz to find out if your husband is emotionally abusive.

First Step To Heal From Emotional Abuse

3. When Things Finally Came Out, He Wanted Everyone On His Side

When he filed for divorce so he could marry the woman he had an affair with, I was devastated. But because he’d thrown me under the bus all those years to all our friends and family, everyone took his side.

It’s shocking to realize the level of abuse you’ve experienced. To learn more about this type of abuse, listen to The Free Betrayal Trauma Recovery Podcast.

If this has happened to you, you need support, attend a Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group Session TODAY.


1 Comment

  1. My husband defends everybody but me too!!! I never considered it could be that he’s having an affair or lying to me. Once I read this, I checked him computer search history and you won’t believe what I found – he was having an affair! I’ve been listening to your podcast, it’s amazing. Thank you so much! You’ve really opened my eyes!


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