What To Know Before Searching “Best Marriage Counseling Near Me for Couples”

If you're considering marriage counseling, here's what you NEED to know before searching search for a counselor.

If you’re considering marriage counseling, here’s what you NEED to know before searching for the best marriage counseling near me for couples.”

Take this free test for emotional abuse to see if your husband uses any one of the 19 different types of emotional abuse.

Why Understanding Emotional Abuse is Crucial

When searching for the “best marriage counseling near me,” it’s important to hit pause and get educated about emotional abuse before booking an appointment—emotional abuse.

Without understanding the dynamics of emotional abuse, couples counseling will do more harm than good. To learn more about emotional abuse, listen to The FREE Podcast about Emotional Abuse recommended by experts.

Why Emotional Abuse and Counseling Don’t Mix

If emotional abuse is present in your relationship, traditional couples counseling is not recommended.

Why? Because emotional abusers often manipulate the counseling process itself. They might twist conversations to appear as the victim, blame their wife, or even use the counselor’s feedback against the victim later.

Emotional Abuse Survivor Stories

Instead of helping the victim heal, this can even increase the emotional wounds caused by the abuser.

Learn About Emotional Abuse First

Before stepping into a couples counseling session, it’s essential to get educated about emotional abuse.

It’s more common than many realize, and includes behaviors like lying, gaslighting, withholding affection, blaming, and more. Victims may feel confused, dismissed, or even question their own perception of reality.

Recognizing and naming the abuse is the first step toward creating emotional safety.

Women experiencing betrayal or emotional abuse often benefit more from individual or group support services specifically geared toward emotional abuse victims. If you relate, attend a Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group Session TODAY.

Individual Healing vs Couples Therapy

For survivors of emotional abuse, the path to healing often begins with personal support, not couples counseling.

One way to heal is to escape the fog of emotional abuse. The Betrayal Trauma Recovery Living Free Workshop helps women see exactly what’s going on, determine their husband’s true character, and will teach you emotional safety strategies to protect themselves from his emotional abuse.

The strategies from the Living Free Workshop will provide you with the tools, validation, and boundaries necessary for safety and clarity. This foundation is critical before assessing whether couples counseling is even an option.

What to Look for in Emotional Abuse Recovery Resources

  • Safe Spaces: Choose services like Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group Sessions, where coaches have personally experienced betrayal and emotional abuse, creating a safe and empathetic environment.
  • Specialized Expertise: Look for professionals who understand the nuances of emotional abuse, as traditional therapists may unintentionally offer advice that worsens the situation.
  • Stages of Recovery Support: Effective programs offer guidance through key recovery phases—safety and stabilization, grieving and processing, and rebuilding and reconnecting.

Start With Thinking About Your Emotional Safety

If you’re considering marriage counseling and suspect emotional abuse may be a factor, prioritize your well-being first.

Take the time to understand your experience and assess your emotional safety.

What To Expect From Coaching To Heal From Emotional Abuse

The process of healing from emotional abuse is a process.

It took us a long time to realize that some types of therapy weren’t helping. Sometimes, the advice we got made things worse because the people didn’t really understand what we were going through.

That’s why we’re here. When we felt like giving up and had no other options, we found a way that works for us.

In EVERY single Betrayal Trauma Recovery Session, you can expect:

  • A safe space to process your trauma, experience compassion, and receive validation for everything you’re feeling and facing.
  • Help to regain your own strength, clarity and sense of direction.
  • Support you with absolutely NO AGENDA—offering instead only patience, empathy, and tools to help you uncover what you think is the best thing for you, for your own sake.

Our BTR Coach will help you:

  • Identify your most urgent emotional needs.
  • Assess your network of “safe people,” those upon whom you can lean for support.
  • Focus on making your relationships safe and healthy in how you feel, think, and treat each other.
  • Learn techniques to ground yourself, especially during moments when your trauma is triggered.
  • Recognize your most frequent or significant triggers, then create healthy boundaries to remove, reduce or respond to them.

Learn More about BTR Group Sessions

Processing The Pain Without Risky Couples Therapy

As you progress in your healing, you can expect the sessions to help you:

  • Accept yourself and where you’re at within the process of grief and healing.
  • Articulate the specific things you’ve lost.
  • Understand how grief can show up in people who have been hurt by betrayal, emotional abuse, or other kinds of relationship abuse.
  • Use your feelings of anger and sadness to help you heal and move forward after a tough time.

Actually Achieving Peace

The goal of couples counseling is to find peace. But if the man in the relationship is emotionally abusive, couples counseling is likely to make things worse. Even so, you can still work on finding your own peace.

You can expect your BTR Coach to help you progress toward your own personal goals:

  • Reclaim parts of yourself you’ve lost due to your husband’s emotional abuse.
  • Reconnect with others—often in new ways, supported by new boundaries and new priorities
  • Rebuild the kind of life you want to live moving forward, with new purpose and confidence.

We’re here because we get it. Many of us went to years of harmful couples counseling before we became educated about emotional abuse.

You – yes you! deserve support. We’re here for you.


1 Comment

  1. ​​I’ve been searching for his phone. I know he’s lying to me, I just can’t catch him!


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