“I’m Trying To Protect My Kids From Pornography”

When a partner exposes a child to pornography, it is sexual abuse. Find out how to protect your child from pornography.

Have you recently discovered your spouse’s secret pornography use? Are you terrified he will expose your child to it – whether on purpose or accidentally? You’re not alone.

Internet Filters Help, But Boundaries Protect

Internet filters can help moms find some degree of peace of mind. But what about preemptive boundaries?

If you’ve recently discovered your partner’s secret pornography use, consider some of these actions you might take:

Pornography Exposure & Sexual Abuse

It’s essential for mothers to understand that children exposed to pornography are experiencing a form of sexual abuse.

Children are not equipped to handle pornographic material. Please do your best to immediately seek proper support for your child.

Do not blame, shame, or punish your child. This may only further traumatize them.

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BTR.ORG Is Here For You

Moms coping with betrayal trauma often feel overwhelmed and desperate for help. Parenting can feel daunting. Here at BTR.ORG, we understand.

Please offer yourself compassion and grace as you navigate this deeply painful journey.

Our BTR.ORG Group Sessions offer support, validation, and empowerment to women all over the world. We would love to see you in a session today.


When You Fear Starting Over: How To Address His Emotional Abuse

Fear of Starting Over can stop a woman’s journey to emotional safety. Karen DeArmond Gardner shares empowering insights on moving forward.


  1. Jane

    I can’t believe how much I needed to hear this. In a way, it’s too hard to hear, like I’m sure it is for most. I don’t know how to be strong enough to move forward with this, but I really appreciate your courage and encouragement and I hope that I can get there. It was an answer to my prayers that I ran into you and you shared with me what you are doing. I just didn’t realize that was the answer until listening to this initial podcast. Now I guess I should pray for the strength to continue with it.

  2. Anonymous

    Protecting my son from pornography is one of my highest concerns. I know I cannot control and protect him from being exposed to pornography at some point in his life but I hope to arm him with the tools to know what to do when he does see it. I also know the best thing I can do for him now is to work on myself and become healthy. I have many unhealthy mindsets about myself that have caused unhealthy actions. I am working to change that one day at a time.


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recovering from betrayal trauma
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Discovered porn or inappropriate texts on your husband's phone?
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