A narcissistic husband can make marriage a nightmare when you don’t have the tools to manage expectations and meet your own needs. Dr. Ramani Durvasula is on The BTR.ORG Podcast offering empathetic, expert advice for women married to narcissistic husbands.
If you need support dealing with your narcissistic husband, check out our daily online Group Session Schedule.
5 Tips For Surviving A Narcissist When You Choose To Stay
Knowing what to do when your husband is narcissistic is difficult. At Betrayal Trauma Recovery (BTR.ORG), we offer compassion and empowerment – not judgement. Women sometimes stay with their narcissistic husband for a variety of (often) complex reasons.
It’s important to have specific tools in your emotional arsenal so that you’re equipped so that you can thrive no matter what.
Dr. Ramani’s 5 Tips: How to Deal With a Narcissistic Spouse
- Recognize They Won’t Change
- Avoid Arguments
- Have Realistic Expectations
- Have Compassion For Yourself
- Invest In Healthy Relationships
“If you choose to stay in proximity to your narcissistic husband, the safest course of action is to keep things very surface level. Talk about the weather, talk about your new lawn mower. You’ll never be emotionally safe with a narcissist.”
Anne Blythe, M.Ed. – Host of The Betrayal Trauma Recovery Podcast
Transcript: How to Deal With a Narcissistic Husband
Anne: I’m so honored to have Dr. Ramani with me on today’s episode, she’s a licensed clinical psychologist. You’ve most likely seen her on YouTube. She’s a professor of psychology at California state university, Los Angeles, and the author of lots of books.
One of them, should I stay or should I go is amazing.
The link is available on our books page. Later in the episode, I’ll be calling out Dr. Ramani’s five tips for dealing with a narcissistic husband. So stay tuned for when I start calling those out for you.
Anne: Dr. Ramani received her ma and PhD degrees in clinical psychology from UCLA, and her research on personality disorders has been funded by the national institutes of health.
At BTR, we’re talking a lot about how sexual addiction is abusive to a spouse.
What Tools Can A Woman Use To Survive A Narcissistic Husband?
Anne: So my first question for you is, while narcissistic behavior patterns seem to be a hallmark of sexual addiction, those who get into and maintain recovery tend to cease those behavior patterns, indicating lasting change is possible, at least for those who choose to do the hard work required to get into and maintain recovery from their addiction.
Yet for some, no amount of recovery work seems to bring change on. Maybe they’re not doing it right.
Anne: I don’t know, but short of investing years to wait and see, are there indicators that wives can look for to determine if their loved one with narcissistic behavior patterns is capable of change?
Dr. Ramani: It’s a great question because when you have something like sex addiction, tangled up with narcissism, just like if it’s sex addiction, substance addiction.
Survive A Narcissistic Husband: Learn To Recognize Manipulation
Dr. Ramani: That’s an entanglement of two patterns. Now, if you had someone, sex addict for example, but not narcissistic, then those are the clients where, whether it’s 12 step, trauma wor. Ongoing therapy, that’s going to work well. They’re going to commit to whatever they’ve promised to or promised to themselves in terms of their growth, in terms of distancing themselves from these patterns.
Dr. Ramani: When you have both patterns present, The sex addiction and the narcissism, you’re not going to see as much change. You got to remember that the sex addiction pattern is very much focused on the other patterns. The, the lack of empathy, the entitlement. I have a right to do this, I have a right to five orgasms a day.
I need lots of people who tell me I’m sexy like a spoiled child. So, I would then argue that the sex addict, who also has significant comorbid symptoms of narcissistic personality, is not going to get much better. What you might be able to do is less time spent on pornography.
They may be less likely to engage in another infidelity, especially if the stakes are high. For example, an expensive divorce, potential loss of custody of a child, a financial hit, shame in the eyes of their community. So dealing with both a sex addict and a narcissistic husband is a real double whammy.
A Narcissistic Husband Has A Barrier To Treatment
Dr. Ramani: But when you have that narcissism, because that tends to be what’s driving the compulsive sexual behavior and the compulsive need for validation, that’s often going to be the reason treatment doesn’t work.
So I would view narcissism as the barrier to it working, because there’s very little evidence, other than in the most rare of cases, that narcissistic patterns are amenable to significant change in treatment. And please note the use of my word significant. So a narcissistic husband has a real barrier to treatment.
Empathy and Narcissism
Dr. Ramani: What you might get is a partner who actually stops cheating, or stops going to sex workers, or stops going to massage parlors, or stops watching porn.
But, they are still un-empathic, they are still entitled, they are still full of rage. So it’s sort of like, choose your poison. Some people might say, okay, the sex addiction part’s gone, but this is still a really not nice person. That’s where it starts to get complicated.
Anne: Was that from Epstein? The quote, the five orgasms a day?
Dr. Ramani: Now that you’re saying that, yeah, I guess I read something and he said, I’m a great guy, I’m a hard working guy, king of the world, I have the right to five orgasms a day. I’ve heard that before.
Anne: Exactly. Yeah, entitlement to sex .
Recognizing Narcissistic Traits
Anne: So, is there any way that a woman can see if he has those narcissistic traits while he’s using porn or does he need to stop using porn for a little while and then see if it’s related to the porn. How can you kind of separate that out?
Dr. Ramani: If you’re going to try to determine whether you have a narcissistic husband, then you’re looking for things like, are they non-empathic? Are they entitled, grandiose, superficial, arrogant, prone to rage, or controlling? That’s what you’re looking for.
Anne: So what they’re looking for is do they have the ability to empathize with me?
Surviving A Narcissistic Husband: Don’t Cut People Into Parts
Anne: Now, when women are looking for that, how can they separate grooming from actual real true empathy, because so many of these men, they seem like they’re very empathic.
They can say the right things and do the right things, but that’s just grooming. So what would you say to women who are like, man, he really is empathic and kind and generous. Like my ex, for example, he did the dishes and he helped out with the kids.
And he was what I would say amazing person. Then he’d fly off the handle and rage. Over and over again. What would you say to women who are like, well, there is this part of him that is so empathetic.
Dr. Ramani: We don’t cut people into parts. It’s holistic.
Judging People on Their Abuses
Dr. Ramani: What I’m about to say is going to sound incredibly cynical and I apologize for it, but sadly I do judge people on their abuses and not on their virtues.
Because you’ve now shown me what’s in your wheelhouse. I have heard the saying hurt people hurt people but that doesn’t qualify me or anyone else to be your punching bag. So the first time somebody goes off into a rage it’s time to go.
I mean, it’s that simple and yet it’s that complicated. So no doing the dishes doesn’t obviate going into a rage. The rage always be more important than emptying the dishwasher. We’re 10 years from a robot emptying a dishwasher.
Dr. Ramani: The other thing a lot of people confuse is generosity.
They’ll say, but he took me to so many nice dinners, and he bought me an airplane ticket, and he took me on a vacation. Any fool can do that. Anyone who has enough money in a bank account, that’s just pulling money. That’s easy. It’s the heavy lifting. It’s how does this person cope under conditions of stress or frustration?
Generosity vs. Genuine Care
Something at work doesn’t go the way they want, you’re running late, you take a trip with them and things aren’t going right. How does this person handle themselves under those conditions? That kind of stuff shows up in the first four to six weeks of a relationship. If you find yourself making excuses for this person be very careful because those excuses at four to six weeks are the excuses you’ll be writing in 40 years.
Anne: I love how you said a robot will be doing the dishes in 10 years when things were really devolving in my relationship right before my ex’s arrest. He said, I just want to connect with you and I said, well, what do you do to connect with me?
He said, I mow the lawn.
Dr. Ramani: See, there’s all those books out there, the Men from Mars and Women from Venus and the love languages and all that. I’m not a fan because those books run the danger of writing off as an excuse like, well, his love language is doing the lawn.
I think doing the lawn is perfectly fine, but only if it’s embedded in a larger framework of empathy, kindness, compassion, respect, mutuality, patience, serenity, and compromise. And you know what? I’ll cut my own lawn if I can have all that other stuff.
Co-Parenting with a Narcissist
Anne: So talking about co parenting, let’s go that direction for a minute.
When co parenting with a narcissistic individual, what measures can a healthy parent take to reduce the risk of the behavior traits being passed on to the next generation?
Raising Healthy Kids with a Narcissistic Co-Parent
Dr. Ramani: The one thing that’s most important to note is that it takes one good healthy parent to raise a good healthy kid. We know that. A lot of parents panic thinking, Oh my goodness, I really chose a bad person here.
I’m going to pay forever. But what it means is that good, healthy parent now has to do the work, not of two parents, but of three parents. Because you have to do the work of you being a good parent. And then you have to do the work of dodging the bullets of the bad stuff that the unskilled parent is doing and then step into their role.
That’s like a third job here. And I tell people that the key is, is to stop waiting for justice, but they should be doing this. They’re the other parent. It’s not fair. No, it’s not fair. And sadly, the only thing that many people can do is look in the mirror and say, I made a lousy choice, but this is not this child’s fault.
And so I’ve got to step up.
The Role of a Healthy Parent
Dr. Ramani: I’ve got to do right and not get caught up in what’s fair, what’s not fair, but to do the heavy lifting of parenting.
Which means teaching your child how to tolerate frustration and disappointment, teaching your child empathy, allowing your child’s emotional vocabulary to develop and grow. Never shame them or humiliate them for feeling anything for engaging with them being mindful with them.
You have to be everything, you have to be the one that the soccer game, you have to be the one teaching them to wash the dishes. Do their chores and compromise and play nice and all of that. You have to be super person if this is the case if you’re co parenting with a narcissist. I have worked with many clients who had one deeply narcissistic parent and one very loving parent and the loving parent saved them.
The only downside to this is if a child grows up with a very narcissistic parent, even if they have that very loving parent. Something I do often see in is that these people grow into rather anxious adults.
Parallel Parenting and Exhaustion
They still live under the specter of, I’m not good enough, or what could I do to win them over, or the tension or anxiety that a angry parent brought into the home. Even if they had that loving parent, it may not translate into narcissism in that person that when they turn into adult, it may turn into anxiety.
Anne: I can’t be super person. So that is a little bit discouraging, but I will try.
Anne: I think about that and I’m like, Oh, I parallel parent so that I hold a no contact boundary and that helps. But I still get exhausted. Being a super person is impossible.
Dr. Ramani: It is impossible in some ways.
It’s also having like those standards of like being the good enough parent, but also also.
Validating Children’s Emotions
Dr. Ramani: Never gaslight your own kids, and by that I mean, you don’t have to say, well, dad’s your hero, and that’s great. Like, if dad humiliates, for example, that child showing an emotion, then you can say, sweetie, that wasn’t okay.
Emotions are wonderful, but some grown ups don’t always understand them. What’s amazing about you as a little person is that you’re actually brave enough to show your emotions. So you don’t have to say, dad’s a jerk who doesn’t even have one emotional bone in his body and is a narcissist. You don’t have to do that.
What you can say is that what’s amazing about you is you’re able to do something and actually dad’s not able to do that. And that’s hard for him. Acknowledge it and it’s a struggle as it is, but also that it’s not okay to ever have their emotions shamed. Never let your kids say, Oh, that’s okay. Dad didn’t mean that or that’s just how dad is.
Dad did mean it. That’s why dad did it. That doesn’t make it okay. You don’t, again, it’s that fine balancing act of not throwing dad under the bus because that’s not good parenting, but also not signing off on it and saying, that’s just how dad is.
Charm, Charisma, and Confidence
Anne: So, you refer to charm, charisma, and confidence as the three C’s of narcissism, yet acknowledge not all who possess those are narcissistic.
In the early stages of dating, before the traits which comprise the pillars of narcissism begin to reveal themselves, are there other clues to watch for which might indicate whether the three C’s are red flags rather than positive traits?
Dr. Ramani: I actually talk about this in the new book and I hinted this and should I stay or should I go?
If you can find someone who’s charming, charismatic, and confident, and also empathic, kind, reciprocal, serene and patient and all of those things. You just won the human being lottery is what you did. Because I think that somebody may be very charismatic because they’re telling you a story of what they do for a living or about their life or something like that.
Early Red Flags Of A Narcissist
You can get so caught up in that story that what we don’t pay attention to is are they listening to other people or are they merely holding court. Acting as sort of like an entertainer rather than as a human being.
The fairy tale. I’m not a fan of fairy tales. I think that in that quest, the larger than life people, we can get lost in them. It’s almost as though you have to in your head saying, if I’m talking about myself, is this person listening? Sometimes charming people are actually really good at that. So you have to be careful.
It’s not just that they listen. Are they interested? Are they asking questions? Pay attention to how they talk about other people. Are they contemptuous? Are they belittling? People give you more clues than you think. You just have to be on. Now, not all of us want to be sort of a shrink the first time we meet someone at a party.
How To Survive A Narcissistic Husband: His Real Character Will Emerge
I get that. And it may very well be that the charming, charismatic, confident person is beguiling enough that you do go out on that first date or that second date. But notice what happens in those first few weeks, those love bomb weeks. Slowly but surely you’ll see their interest levels start to fade a little bit.
You’re gonna see, again, real life happens. They might have to wait in line at a restaurant, or their order may not come out exactly the way they want it. Or, They may be barraging you with text and you can’t always answer. Watch how they answer when things aren’t perfect. We so desperately want the charming, confident, and charismatic person to be the whole package, that we try to ignore it when the other parts of the package don’t show up.
And so, I think that if you can get those three things with all of the other stuff, then it’s fine. But those three things without the empathy and all the other good stuff, forget it. That’s where you have to pay attention. And empathy is one of those things people should pretty much lead with. So if it starts to wane, if the people can’t handle things like frustration and disappointment, those are the kinds of patterns that bring a relationship down.
Hypersensitivity Is A Red Flag Of A Narcissist
And another thing to pay attention to, no matter how charming or charismatic someone is, how sensitive are they? Hypersensitivity is one of those red flags that shows itself off early because people are trying to impress you when they first meet you, right? So if you say, Oh gosh, you know, I never knew that school was that hard to get into.
And they’re like, what do you mean? That school’s really hard to get into. That’s a red flag. That they’re so hypersensitive, they’re like, yeah, whatever, I had a great experience. And they can’t be a bit easy breezy about it. That tension, that when they feel that they’re at all being slighted, that’s a very big red flag.
And a lot of people write that off to like anxiety when they first meet someone. Uh uh. That hypersensitivity is usually a sign of more problematic things lurking.
Anne: That’s interesting.
Anne: When you said they’re listening, but are they really listening? It reminded me of my ex when I would talk. I thought he was the best listener because I could just sit and talk and he would just sit there and listen.
But looking back, I realized he was never really engaged. He was just there in body, but not actually engaged with his mind.
So he wouldn’t ask me follow up questions or ask me how I felt about it. I’m very I would say independently descriptive. I would just sort of say all the things I wanted to say without needing prompting. I thought he was a good listener, but I know now that that was not good listening.
Listening Vs. Engaging
He was probably daydreaming about bike parts or something.
Dr. Ramani: Yes. And also pay attention to how much they remember. I mean, well, ah, well he has ADHD, so he doesn’t remember stuff. I don’t know. When you care enough about a person, you remember stuff. And if you do sort of feel like it’s a soliloquy and many times when we first meet someone, we’re anxious.
So some of us talk too much when we’re anxious. So a narcissist might actually cut you a wide berth to keep talking and talking and talking and talking. We think that’s good listening. Actually good listening means that every so often they say, and how did that feel? What happened next? That their punctuation into the conversation means that they’re actually tracking what you’re talking.
Anne: On that same note, when I would interrupt my ex. When he was talking to track what he was saying, so you mean this or, oh, this is what happened. He would get angry with me for interrupting him. And I was like, wait, I’m practicing active listening skills. You know, this is what people do when they’re listening to people.
And he would get really mad and tell me that I needed to be completely quiet until he was done. Do you see that as that common?
Survive A Narcissistic Husband: It Doesn’t Matter Why He’s Abusive
Dr. Ramani: Yeah, that’s a real problem too. There’s a lot of places that could come from, it can come from arrogance, it can come from entitlement, it can come from family of origin issues. That that’s how they did it in this family, that you kind of did your little speech and then sat down.
Here’s the thing. People say, well, if that’s how they grew up and I feel bad for them, I feel bad for them too. But if that doesn’t work for you, this is how it’s always going to be, you know? So it’s like, I get that people feel bad for where people came from and that’s lovely and compassionate, but you’re not going to change that.
You can’t unring the bell of their history. So yes, I think narcissists, like I said, they hold court. Everything’s a soliloquy. You say this long speech and then someone else has a long speech. It’s parallel play. It’s not the interactiveness of a relationship. And so, that idea of stop interacting, if that happened early enough in a relationship, that’s usually a red flag of a problem.
Anne: Wish I would have known that before. That would have been helpful. But hopefully our listeners will think about that as they’re interacting.
Often, a narcissistic man will attempt to deflect his own behavior onto the healthy partner, his wife or girlfriend. Causing the healthy woman to question whether it could be true, whether she herself is the unhealthy person, if she is abusive.
Do you recommend any self assessment tools to provide a reality check for a victim?
Deflection And Gaslighting
Dr. Ramani: Yes. This pattern of deflecting their behavior to the healthy partner reflects two things. In part, it’s something we call projection, so when something is uncomfortable in us, we don’t like it, and so unconsciously we’re projected onto other people.
For example, somebody might have a forbidden sentiment, like they have racial prejudice or something, they’ll accuse someone else of being racist. You know, when that’s not at all true. Projection is one of the key defenses of the narcissist.
Secondly, deflection is also gaslighting. So it confuses the other person. Anything that confuses someone else and denies and twists and contorts the other person’s reality is gaslighting, which is emotional abuse. So when all of that’s happening, sometimes people say, you know, it’s almost like my reality changed.
I was getting sort of sucked into this alternate universe.
Dr. Ramani: We know that one of the main tools of the abuser, and controlling partner is to cut that person off from other people, from friends, from family, because one of the most important self assessment tools for a reality check are the other relationships you have.
The people that far predated this partner, the people who know you and love you and get you and unconditionally are behind you that you can go and check this out and say, you know, it’s interesting. My partner accused me of la la la, whatever it is. And it’s not something you believe about yourself. A good honest friend will say, yeah, sometimes you can be like that.
Isolation from Support Networks
Or they might say, goodness, no universe we occupy, are you that thing? That’s so strange that this person would say that. We all need those safe reality check spaces to go to. Like I said, in a lot of times a narcissistic husband detects that there are other people around their new partner that are going to be healthy and slowly but surely, they distance themselves from them.
They say negative things about those friends like, Oh, your friend, she doesn’t have your best interest at heart. Or, Oh, your sister was flirting with me or whatever it may be. To create mistrust in those relationships to take away that support network. But we need those spaces. So it’s having these kinds of, like I said, unconditional accepting spaces where your reality is not being twisted.
That can be very useful. Ultimately though, ultimately what I want for everybody is that they have within themselves. A space where they know who they are. The challenge with a narcissistic husband is that narcissists prey upon vulnerable people. As soon as they see that somebody’s not falling for their game, they’re going to get out pretty quick.
A narcissistic husband is uncanny at figuring out who a good target is and running with it. And so I think that that’s another thing that it’s so important, especially for young women.
To do the work of knowing who they are and what they are about. The problem is many people start dating and getting into relationships long before they do that kind of inner psychological work. So they’re building the airplane in the sky. You’re learning about yourself while you’re in this relationship, but this relationship is actually twisting your reality.
What Are “Flying Monkeys”?
Anne: What would you say to women who are worried about their abusive. husband spending time with unhealthy people around him. So they’re like, Oh, I don’t like it when he spends time with his family or these friends because they just sort of support this like entitled kind of mentality that he has.
What would you say to women like that who are actually attempting maybe to isolate their abuser from the system that enabled him to be an abuser?
Dr. Ramani: It’s an interesting idea because obviously these enabling systems around this person are adding fuel to this person’s fire, right? There’s no dissenting voice. They are empowering him, they’re enabling him, and he gets away with it. And this can happen.
Anne: In some circles called flying monkeys.
Dr. Ramani: Yeah, but flying monkeys to me are also people that a person enlists at the time a relationship ends. So the flying monkey model to me is like, let’s say a marriage is falling apart or someone’s breaking up. The narcissist will then go and poach everyone, even the people close to their partner, their friends, other family and say, Hey, did you know that she cheated on me?
Hey, did you know that she was doing this? And so they bring everyone over to their side. and then they’re all doing the bidding. Like, what are you doing? Why are you breaking up with him? He’s such a great guy. Or why did you do that to him? Of course he’s hurt. They enlist people. I think that the people around them before that kind of rupture happens are just merely their enablers.
Narcissists Will Buy Their “Good Guy” Image
One of the classical models of the narcissistic person is they’re often very generous because they use money and they invite people on trips or they buy the round of drinks at the bar. That’s their way of keeping people close. It’s a lot less. effortful than having to actually listen to people. And people never want to kill the golden goose, right?
So like, ah, he’s a good guy. He buys the drinks. That doesn’t make him a good guy. That makes him somebody who wastes money in a bar, but they then fall for that thinking. Like, well, he’s a nice guy because he buys the drinks. So then they can find a lot of people that enable them. It could be their boss.
It could be somebody who’s very powerful in a small town, it could be any number of reasons. The fantasy, though, becomes, if I could just get this abusive, controlling, hostile, difficult, un-empathic guy away from his enablers. He’s going to turn into a nice guy? That’s a fantasy. That’s absolutely a fantasy.
Because even a person in the midst of any group of people, if they’re good and solid, That goodness and that solidness will shine through. Maybe not as brightly as it would if they were around good people, but a person who’s just sort of not a nice person is going to be not a nice person. These people make his voice louder, but getting him away is not going to silence that voice.
A Narcissist Doesn’t Change By Changing His Friends
Anne: Yeah, it also made me think as I went through that, because after his arrest, he was quote unquote free, to hang out with whoever he wanted. Because he had a no contact order and I couldn’t influence him at all. And Then from a safe distance, I was able to observe who he chose to hang out with.
He was just choosing to hang out with people who I thought were super unhealthy and abusive and just people I would never want to be around. That’s who he was choosing to be with when he had all these options. So that helped me realize, wait a minute, why am I trying to get someone who is acting this way away from other people who act this way when that’s really who he wants to be with?
I just need to let him be free. Fly! I even told him that at the very end. I said, fly! Go! Go do what you want! He refused to leave. He wouldn’t leave the home, so that was fun. So you acknowledge that some women may not be able to walk away, and for them, managing expectations can protect them from individuals and the effects of ongoing abuse.
Survive A Narcissistic Husband: Maintain Realistic Expectations
Anne: Can you expand on managing expectations with a narcissistic husband and how it can protect a victim from ongoing abuse?
Dr. Ramani: There’s so many reasons people cannot leave narcissistic relationships. Financial reasons, cultural reasons. They have children, religion, fear, anxiety, and that they still actually love elements of this person.
They want to be married. Even on some of the good days are enough. They want that person around, and all of these are valid reasons, and I, nor anyone else, can stand in judgment of that. In this group, though, I am not counting people who are victims of severe psychological, emotional, or physical abuse.
Obviously, that’s an entirely different game, where safety becomes everything. But in your sort of garden variety, narcissistic relationship, There’s a lot of reasons people stay in these sorts of invalidating spaces.
Dr. Ramani: So if you’re going to stay though, then you’ve got to maintain realistic expectations and by that I mean you’ve got to recognize this is not going to change.
This pattern is how it is. So do not expect that all of a sudden, if you lose 25 pounds, they’re going to be happy. When your kids are growing out of the house, everything’s going to be happy. If you kept the house a little cleaner, it’d be happy. He gets a promotion. It’s going to be happy. Nothing’s going to change.
Survive A Narcissistic Husband: Expect that It Will Get Worse After Having Children
This is who this person is, who they were when you met them. This is who they are now. A lot of narcissistic relationships get worse after you have kids. So some people will say we were kind of going along. And then we had kids and then it got really dark. You got to remember for a narcissistic husband, a kid coming along, kids are inconvenient.
They’re noisy, messy, demanding, and magnificent. But the fact is they’re demanding. And for a narcissistic husband, that feels like a competition. They’re not always the greatest source of the narcissistic supply and they pull the partner away. So that’s often where a lot of narcissistic relationships start changing.
Not to mention a woman who has a child, her body changes, You know, there’s a period of time where it’s not what she wanted it to be, and unless she has lots of resources, she’s not going right back to her pre baby body ever, quite frankly. So, all of those things can make it complicated. So in terms of managing those expectations, this ain’t gonna change.
Tip 1 To Survive A Narcissistic Husband: Recognize They Won’t Change
Anne: So calling this out for you, this is tip number one on how to deal with a narcissistic husband, recognize that they won’t change.
Dr. Ramani: This is it. You are going to live a life devoid of empathy. With someone who’s arrogant. You are going live with someone who’s full of rage. You are going to live with somebody who’s constantly needing validation. So from what that means then is that you know that they’re going to insult you.
You know that they’re going to invalidate good news. When you get a promotion, they should not be the first person you tell. You call your people, you call the people you trust and love and who will be thrilled for you. Call a few of them first. And then, and only then, you can tell your partner, Oh, by the way, I got a promotion.
They’ll insult you. Oh, but it’s just a new title with no more money or who cares, or that’s not even that important a job. But by then you’ve already heard good things. from the people who matter. So you’ve got to learn not to engage. You’ve got to learn to totally dial it down. To make sure that you’re keeping it literally all the things you talk about, the weather, the first day of school is next Wednesday.
Did you see that the guy across the street got a new tractor to mow his lawn? Like that’s it. The conversation can’t go any deeper than that. You want deeper conversation, you need to do it with other friends, people close to you, people you can trust. You have to engage in radical acceptance. This is how it’s always going to be much like the managing expectations.
Tip 2 To Survive A Narcissistic Husband: Avoiding Arguments
Dr. Ramani: You have to get out of patterns like defending yourself, that many times people who are in relationships with narcissists are always explaining themselves. No, no, no, but actually remember, but no, no, no, remember when it, no, there’s no defending. There’s no explaining. You’re never gonna win at that game because narcissists argue like lawyers and so you can’t win.
So don’t bother. There’s no defense.
Anne: This is tip number two for how to deal with a narcissistic husband. At least in our community, we’ve noticed that these narcissistic husbands really enjoy chaos, and they trapped victims into thinking. We need to defend ourselves, when they really just love the energy of the argument. They’re not trying to resolve things, but we are, and they know that.
And so they trap us this way. So when Dr. Ramani says don’t defend yourself, she doesn’t mean, don’t set boundaries or don’t work toward safety. She means they use arguments as a trap. And we talk a lot about this in The BTR Living Free Workshop. The Living Free Workshop teaches you about what to do to avoid their chaos.
Dr. Ramani: Yeah They like the argument for the sake of the argument. So don’t argue with them. Have the topics that you won’t talk about.
Tip 3 To Survive A Narcissistic Husband: Realistic Expectations
Dr. Ramani: If you do have to spend a lot of time with your narcissistic husband create a little bit of a detox period for yourself. Do something that’s pleasant for you, whether it’s a meditation, a book you like, exercise.
Something. But understand that sadly, once upon a time, you made a choice or a choice was made for you that wasn’t good for you. And for reasons that are important to you, you’re choosing to stay in it. Choose to stay in it with realistic expectations is very different than maintaining unrealistic hope that one day this is going to get better.
This is like, being in Chicago in the dead of February and walking outside in a bathing suit. You’re going to freeze to death. You know that. You live in Chicago. It’s February. You always wear a heavy coat. This is the equivalent of pulling on your coat when you know the weather’s going to be cold. You know it, so you prepare for it.
You don’t walk outside in a bathing suit. It’s the same thing with a narcissistic husband.
Anne: And so this would be tip number three on how to deal with a narcissistic husband. Have realistic expectations.
The BTR.ORG Living Free Workshop really covers what is happening so that you can see reality. And so many of our community members have said that The Living Free Workshop helped them to really see reality and that helps women have realistic expectations.
Tip 4 To Survive A Narcissistic Husband: Have Compassion
Dr. Ramani: Yeah exactly you know what, no matter whether you’re stuck in this relationship or you can walk out, please don’t lose your compassion.
Anne: And that’s tip number four to survive a narcissistic husband. Have compassion for yourself because you didn’t know what you didn’t know. I realize I’ve made the mistake of asking so many victims on this podcast. Like, what would you tell yourself if you could go back in time and you knew what you know now. Instead I think I should be asking, ask yourself, if you only knew what you knew, then would you have done anything differently?
That allows for so much compassion because we only knew what we knew and we did the best that we could.
Tip 5 To Survive A Narcissistic Husband: Invest In Good Relationships
Anne: And that leads right into tip number five to survive a narcissistic husband, invest more in good relationships with people who genuinely care about you.
Dr. Ramani: Exactly. Allow other loving spaces to occur in your life.
I don’t mean finding a new partner or finding a lover. I mean friends and family and people close to you. These relationships, people put so much of themselves in it that they get tunnel vision. Sadly, we tend to give 90 percent of ourselves to the most toxic people in our worlds, and then give the 10 percent to all the good ones.
We need to flip that math. Give 90 percent to the good people and give whatever’s left over to these really difficult, toxic people. I think a lot of people blame themselves for these situations.
A Heavy Burden To Carry
Dr. Ramani: The fact of the matter is, we do not do a good job, not as educators, not as a society, not as parents, to teach our daughters to choose healthy partners. So many people didn’t get that lesson.
Yeah, they threw themselves into these relationships with a narcissistic husband and it’s a heavy legacy to carry, but you don’t have to lose the best of yourself.
Dr. Ramani: We all have broader shoulders than we think, and you can carry this burden and see it for what it is, find meaning in that suffering, and cultivate the other meaningful parts of your life.
Our BTR.ORG Group Sessions meet daily – attend a session today and find a community of women who understand what you’re going through. You don’t have to do this alone.
Leaving my partner is just not possible. I understand now that he when asked me to sell my car and get rid of excess furniture, they were well planned hooks.
We live in the country… on a farm actually. I used to live an hour away in a boutique neighborhood. I had friends. I had a life. I now have no family (all dead) and few friends.
He encouraged me to make his home, my home. He did lots of little things likeāencouraged me to get another horse when one died last summer. He asked me to rescue and take care of 2 little kitties whose mother got hit by a car. So, now I have 2 horses, a dog and 2 kitties to think about. My horses are my business. And if I leave, I will have nothing and no means of support. I will have to give up everything dear to me. And I am 60.
Now that I am fully invested in this home…doing renovations, paying what I can. (He has money, I donāt)…its getting crazy. Every time he gets triggered (and you never know what when why or how), he tells me what an idiot I am or worse and tells me to leave…knowing full well, he is the one who suggested most everything that put me in the position of making this my home. We aren’t married and everything is his. I have no legal ground to stand on.
He tells me I am dug in to his home like a tick and will never leave. He keeps me so unbalanced and off kilter, I never know what to believe. I know I am the one who made the decision to move in. That was quite a few years ago. I cannot seem to find steady ground. This is a beautiful place to live. And he uses it all and abuses me mentally, emotionally, and verbally.
When I tell him what I want and need, he laughs at me. He knows I canāt leave … so he treats me in whatever way he feels like it. When I stick up for myself through talking, I am told, āI watch lot of movies. No woman ever talks back to a man like you do. As a man, I do not have to put up with your sh**. This is all mine. I am the king here even though the crown weighs heavily on me.ā
If he is that king, then I am no better than Cinderella working for the evil step sisters.
I’ve tried not engaging, but he wonāt let up until I’m completely traumatized start screaming and yelling. When I finally lose it, I can tell he feels all warm and snuggly inside. It’s awful. I can’t leave because he has made me lose every job Iāve ever had, and only gives me barely enough money to get by.So now he constantly tells me he wants me to leave knowing I have nowhere to go just to run in that fact. Iām hoping someone can tell me how to react the way he wants without actually having my pets and daughter used against me:( I am also starting to think he is a psychopath instead of narcissistic
What you’re describing is domestic abuse – have you considered a domestic abuse shelter? They will have the resources to help you with a place to live, food, etc until you can get on your feet. You are brave. You are strong. You can do this.
This is almost exactly me. We recently moved to a farm where I am isolated and mentally tormented.
My two boys are dealt with like slaves while his are given everything new and free of strings. He has money and tells me to buy things because he thinks the end of days are coming, then yells at me for wasting his money. I was sleeping with a gun in fear of his rages. I left. It has been 3 months, my children and I are homeless and broke.
He will randomly text me when he is not on vacation, with another woman or has friends around. All he says is he loves me but gives nothing more, not even fake promises. I have nothing and feel I will lose my children anyway to him because he has all the money and lawyers. What do I do? I love the man I married, not this monster. He is also an active addict, I have 12 years clean. What have you found to help you cope? I cry all day and struggle to just get out of bed. I have 2 friends left and they are in fear if I go back he will hurt us even more for our attempt to leave. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Consider that the “man you married” was an act to groom you . . . that will help you heal. We recommend that women join our daily, online support group for victims of emotional and psychological abuse and sexual coercion. We hope to see you soon in a session!
Have you considered joining our online, daily support group for victims of emotional abuse? We’re here for you!!
I’ve been in an abusive marriage since 2002. I’m a business person and it’s reached a point I can’t raise even a dollar. I didn’t know he is a narcissist. I’m in pieces and would like to collect my pieces. No peace and no joy. I’m a strong believer, I’ve tried to pray for the joy of the Lord. Please help.
My husband’s narcissistic behavior has become evident, as he skillfully persuaded the court to believe that our inability to get along is solely my fault. Just a month after our divorce was finalized, he petitioned the court for supervised phone calls and no visitation, alleging that I had emotionally harmed our children. Shockingly, his motion was granted without any substantiated evidence. In court, he confessed to physically abusing our childrenāhitting, kicking, inuring and swearing at them. But incredibly, the court dismissed this as not constituting domestic violence. Despite our children expressing their fear and desire to live with me, the court disregarded their wishes.
I’m left grappling with a profound question: how does one heal from trauma when it persists? The constant fear of impending false accusations looms over me, leaving me in a perpetual state of anxiety. Even though the division of property has been settled, he relentlessly continues to manipulate the court to seize more assets, seemingly determined to render me homeless. How does one move forward when every attempt at progress is futile, knowing that any semblance of control can be snatched away at his whim through legal maneuvers?
How do I heal and reclaim my autonomy?
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. The BTR.ORG Living Free and Message Workshops are the best place place to start. They’ll launch in the next two weeks or so. We’ve been using the strategies found in those workshops for years with victims, testing the strategies and we know they work. It’s so incredibly difficult.
The BTR Meditations can help regulate your emotions and remove the trauma from the inside out. Sometimes once the trauma is out, the abuser leaves because he can see we’re not able to manipulated anymore.
We also recommend One Mom’s Battle for court stuff. For emotional support, you can always schedule with any of the BTR Coaches. Hang in there.
I have a question for Dr Ramani, please…
I’ve noticed that the narcissistic abuse seems to run in cycles….it recurs, often worse than last time(s)…but also followed by a short period of the narcissist being “nice guy” again…then the tension starts to mount again….the arguments calculated to provoke my reactions…the blame shifting…the SMEAR CAMPAIGNS (!)…then…things ease up again….and it keeps repeating..
WHY does the narcissist do this ? why does the abuse run in cycles ?
thank you.
I don’t know what Dr. Ramani would say, but I did a podcast about this that might be helpful. Is My Husband Grooming Me? I’m so glad you found us! We’re here for you!
I have been with my narcissistic husband for over 25 years. It is getting worse year by year and these last few have been super bad. I have actually told him I can’t do it anymore. He is aware I am looking for a rental for my kids and our animals because he refuses to leave our home and states “no one is making me do it either”. As of right now he is setting up online counseling for NPD, his first appointment is next Tuesday. I am nervous this is just another ploy. Since he never sticks with anything. On the other hand I have been doing this for 25+ years so what is a few more month to see if it helps??? I am exhausted, broken and miserable.
So helpful to read and hear about all these helpful ways to live w a narcissistic spouse …. I didnāt know for 28+ years of being married .
I wonder if you can refer a therapist who specializes in NPD in Chicago area to help me heal ?
I have been searching for sometime but w very little luck …
I recommend scheduling an individual session with any one of our coaches for women recovering from narcissistic abuse. They’re incredible and you can meet with them online from anywhere:).
Do you know of a therapist in Minneapolis/Minnesota? TIA!
Since most therapists don’t understand this type of abuse, we recommend scheduling an individual session here at Betrayal Trauma Recovery! Our betrayal trauma specialists are the most highly trained, and will help you navigate your situation.
Hello, I only discovered that I was in a narcissistic abusive marriage after 33 years, I was devastated and heartbroken. I was undergoing aggressive treatment for cancer at the time.
Iāve known throughout the 33 years that things werenāt right and I saw all the red flags, but didnāt understand what was going on, I do now and Iām so fatigued by the chemotherapy, radiotherapy and depression of the reality of whatās been my life, I know Iām coming to terms with it. But Iām grieving.
Long story short, once I knew the extend of my husbands abuse to me and his total lack of respect, I moved him into the spare room. No sex. I still do the cooking. He now does his own washing and ironing. Heās no longer king in this castle. Neither of us address the elephant in the room. Weāre just like flat mates. It not easy, but itās the resolve until Iām well again. šā¤ļøā„ļø
I need help. I have been married for 40 years. It’s unbearable! My narcissistic husband never keeps his eord and he just doesn’t care how it makes me feel! He is so mean! I feel so trapped! What do I do?
We recommend our daily, online BTR Group Sessions for support. We also have Meditations for victims of emotional and psychological abuse that will help you figure out what to do next.
I have learned a lot about narcissistic husband. I’m more enlightened. I now know how to take care of myself.
I need help and I’m unsure of how and what to do other than keep praying for better days. My husband and his mom are narcissists. But I believe God has something better for me. I know it deep in my heart and soul.
Thank you for all the above literature and tips.
I am currently married (14 years) to what I believe now to be a Covert Narcissist, with 2 children (Son with Asperger syndrome 12yrs old, and Daughter with Anxiety 10yrs old). My plan is to survive this marriage for next maximum 8 years where the kids will be able to defend themselves.
I believe by sticking to the tips above I may be ok.
When we first met, I didn’t know that the “worse” in for better or worse was abuse. It’s taken me 32 years to be at the point where I could listen to this podcast and process the reality of my situation. We have six kids. He’s turning them against me to get them on his “side” – I can’t figure out what his end goal is? I feel trapped. I don’t have any family around. This podcast helps so much. I’m trying to figure out my next steps. Thank you!
Hi Anne,
Thank you so much for your reply. I have managed to book an appointment with a counsellor this afternoon on my own to talk through tomorrowās couple therapy session. I feel as though I may need to cancel the couples session, but need to figure out a way forward. My husband is a christian as am I. He is currently in ānice modeā which makes me doubt everything. But I know thats part of how he gets his own way and starts āplaying ballā to get me back in his corner. I started a connect group last night from church and it was so scary but sooo good! I am just exhausted with the confusion and mixed up thinking.
It’s so hard because my parents and son are the only ones I can really talk to about this. I am working through making changes and moving forward in the best way possible. I still love my husband and as silly as it sounds I don’t want to leave him.
It doesn’t sound silly. We’ve all been there! Always remember “nice mode” as you call it is part of the abuse – it’s the way he grooms you. I’m a Christian too, and I assure you Jesus commands us to separate ourselves from the wicked. So as you consider what to do, consider how Jesus commands us to build a home of peace and safety:). Our Savior loves you and hates abuse. A truly Christian man would not use Christianity to maintain power and beat other’s into submission. So consider that your husband uses the church to maintain power, not because he actually loves peace. That is a form of spiritual abuse, and I assure you, Jesus is not happy about it.
I am in a crisis recognizing I married a narcissist some 25 years ago. I have held things together but finally caught up to me not unlike the stories above.
These are difficult lessons I am learning after being gaslighted by my husband (whom I am with for 29 years and have 5 children with) and his ābest friendā (whom I thought was my friend) for 10 years . Can you recommend a therapist on Long Island ?
We recommend scheduling an appointment with one of our trauma specialists to process the effects the emotional and psychological abuse have had and what steps to take.
Thanks for educating me more on how to deal with a narcissist husband.I can completely relate to every single point.I cannot get out of this relationship for the sake of my kids but living in this emotional abusive relationship is traumatic.I have been insulted, looked down upon and my confidence is shattered to pieces.I feel broken and not able to gather the pieces.
Hi Nyne I just read this article as well as your comment. I am also in this same type of relationship. It has been absolutely the hardest thing I have ever dealt with in my life.
I’m so sorry. We are with you! Hugs!
This is so helpful. I’ve been married 11yrs and been dealing with this for a long time. I’m just now starting to research what kind of man I married. We have 3 kids. I don’t want to leave bc I love him, and he says he wants change. Praying and speaking with his parents is helping me a lot.
I’ve been in an abusive relationship for a very long time, leaving myself painted into a corner. Now I’m isolated completely, physically disabled and financially dependent. He has left me to recover from breast cancer completely alone, dropping some food off at my front door every two or three days. He’s using my Snap food card to buy the dribs and drabs of food dropped off. How did I allow myself to turn around and trap myself so completely helpless?
So sorry dear, these kind of men don’t deserve to see heaven. May God help you.
I’m so sorry! It’s not your fault. Have you considered calling your local domestic violence shelter?
I have been married to a narcissist for 26 years. Five years ago, I lost my last 3 remaining family members. My grandma 108 to old age. My father (who hated my husband) to sepsis and my baby sister to suicide, which my husband blamed me for because I stayed with him instead of helping my sister get through the loss of my father.
He doesnāt love me. I know that because he told me āhe loves me the way God loves meā which he knows nothing about. He makes it all my fault. He wonāt do household tasks. He was such a good actor making me believe that he really cared about me. He convinced me to move away from my support system, lied and promised to work and fix the house up. But as soon as we got there, he stopped working, is verbally abusive. He pays for nothing. I work two jobs only to come home to a dirty house where he messes up and never cleans. He lays in the bed all day watching TV. He looks at women on Facebook. When I confront him about anything itās exhausting. He lies, steals and I know heās cheated on me more than once cause our sex life is ā0ā. Heās evil. I have to beg him to bring food in the house or do anything, but if any of his friends come over he puts everyone first and forgets about me. We have 2 dogs. One died cause he feed her the wrong food. The other one is suffering from heart worms and fleas. My husband claims he has a landscaping business, but he wonāt even clean the yard to let the dog go out. I have to do everything while he does nothing. I wonder WHAT DID I DO SO WRONG TO BE BORN IN THIS WORLD WHERE EVERY MAN I’VE ENCOUNTERED even my own father has exploited me in some way. Iām alone in a loveless marriage with no privacy or no family left.
I’m so sorry, Cynthia! We’re here for you. Have you considered attending one of our BTR.ORG Group Sessions?
I wonder also if you can refer a therapist who specializes in NPD in the Long Island area, (Nassau County) to help me move forward. I too, have been searching for sometime but with very little luck ā¦ Thanks.
Have you considered a Betrayal Trauma coach? Perhaps you could start there? Click on that link to schedule:).
Thank you so much for this article. It has been informative and helpful. I have only recently discovered that my husband and his mother have been applying various techniques to emotionally abuse and disrupt my life, for several years. I have two kids and have chosen to stay in the relationship for them.
My stbx Narc was diagnosed with multiple things. I noticed a mental decline, changes, irritable. Major anger while driving. He says he went to psych, who are we kidding. He was probably hooking up with someone he met online.
I was done. So I packed two suitcases, left the rest of my stuff in boxes in friends garage, and flew away to another state. Wish I had done this years ago. Stay healthy everyone!
Its so amazing coming across this important piece of informationā¦ Iāve been married for 11 years now to a one of the most difficult narcissists husband. I have coped and still trying. He loves his children very well and they loves him too. I canāt or i donāt want to leave because he already infected me with HIV. Were do i start from? Were do i go? Who will accept me?? Things likes dis gave me no other option but to stay. God Will surely see us through.
Thank you for this knowledge and information… Iāve been with the most sever Narcissist on earth!
Heād come home from work 15-18 hours after walking out door 0445 AM.
Had zero connection with 2 sons! Did not want any relationship with them… only sought Praises and Glory from work and church ….
Help ! I need counseling in Oviedo or Orlando, FL area
I have been in this relationship for 28 years. I knew I was not the problem after being confused with manipulation for more than 10 years. Thus was do confusing because his mother was running the show for a long time while he was behind the scene putting more fuel. Yes, I am with aware of the danger of cohabiting with this toxic person, but I see that he will do everything to mess the children up if I leave. Espcially with kids involved, the divorce will keep him busy trying to satisfy his ego. He knows that this children are so dear to me and he will do anything to make me misserable. He will pull them away in just to see how miserable I will be come. He is such a jerk, an empty vessel. Thank you for putting up the article.
The good news is that I see God turn down his evil plan each time he mounts them up, and God cares about this children and will continue to give me the strength until when and if it is time to call it off.
There are so many long term effects of being abused by a narcissist. Staying for the children is the worst thing you can do for them because they will be abused by the narcissist as well. In order to be with a narcissist and stay with them you have to give up everything especially your respect and dignity and worth and everything else around you. I know that it’s hard and sometimes seems impossible to leave but the alternative is worse if you stay.
After more than 20 years of marriage I now get it. The constant stress and chaos my husband created in our lives and home wore me and my immune system down. Several hospital visits (with no findings). Extreme fatigue, confusion and ultimately depression brought on by living in a constant state of fight or flight mode. Constant criticism. Disrespect. Being told I make no sense when I say something or being told that I’m crazy or delusional. “Just relax, I was only kidding.”
I finally know what I’ve been dealing with. Why I get no eye contact, affection, support or respect. 100% clarity now. A covert passive aggressive narcissist. Killjoy. Emotionally immature. Not a partner, but a selfish man who acts like a child in the home and meddles with my head, jobs, relationships – especially my kids.
When I finally woke up to what was truly going on here I called him out on it and got the silent treatment. I was abandoned. I learned I have no illnesses. I’m healthy, intelligent and capable woman who has been beaten down emotionally by a coward – oh yes! I called him a coward. I do not sleep in the same bed with him and there is no sex.
I have gotten the psychotic stare and am aware of the evil which lurks within my home. I’m hurt, offended and deeply saddened by what I and my children have endured through all of this. I regret that they have seen me at my worst. Damage has certainly been done to all of us.
Day by day I feel my confidence building as I work to help myself heal. I have clarity again – which feels good – feel more like myself. I still find the “pull” of the trauma bond creeping into my head from time to time making me doubt my actions. It will take time to fully regain my strength, clarity and confidence. I hate that my children have been affected by this and are basically in the middle of a very toxic situation. I did the best I could – always, to keep things nice and to work on saving our marriage to strengthen and build the family but the house of cards is collapsing.
His “fantasy” way of life is not for me – never has been. His patterns of behavior continue; nothing changes. If anything it gets worse. I need to prepare for the next stage of life for myself and the kids. Absolutely unbelievable. He destroyed a beautiful family and taken years away from our lives. Years I cannot get back with my kids. I pray for strength to see us through this. There are so many moving parts. So much at stake. Biggest project of my life. While I know what must be done, I cannot act in haste. We are under the same roof at the time being. I need to make the best of each day to survive. I am a passionate person and find this very difficult. I have to alter my behavior to sustain my sanity in a highly complex situation. Communication is minimal. Simple. Direct. Some days are better than others.
Thank you for your thoughts Amanda. It’s also sad because if you divorce, the kids will still have to go with their dad in most cases, as family court doesn’t recognize this type of abuse. So even if you leave, the kids will most likely still be abused by him. We are working really hard to stop this, but it’s a factor to consider.
We recommend scheduling an online individual session to heal from the emotional and psychological abuse you’ve experienced.
When youāve been married along time and now finally realize heās a narcissist, but you still decide to stay in, how do you manage sleeping arrangements?when heās been in an angry or abusive stage, I donāt feel like crawling in the same bed at nite. And, what about sex in general? I hate to give it up, but when heās been abusive, unkind, etc., and the. 5 hours later he wants sex, what am I supposed to do? Sometimes being celibate seems like not a bad idea. Any tips??
I’ve been married 28 years. For a long time I would continue with sex, but it got to a point where I just couldn’t anymore and I told him that. He wasn’t happy about it, blamed me, and sometimes I would try again. Eventually he quit initiating. About a year later he raged at me about some completely seemingly unrelated issue and in the process physically abused me and kicked me out of our bedroom. I was devastated. I have yet to pull the trigger on a domestic violence restraining order and an official report to the police. I should have called 911. It felt safer for me to stay for financial reasons, but I’m surprised at how much he’s brainwashed me and infiltrated my mind, even after I thought I was prepared and could take it. I am actually relieved to sleep in another room though. It’s a weird existence.
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Have you considered scheduling a session with one of our coaches to discuss whether or not you should set boundaries around sex with your narcissist husband? Click on that link to see our scheduling options.
Dear Anna C S,
I wish very different for you! It is such a draining experience. Since he doesnāt care, as long as he is working (and not out cheating), sadly it is likely best that you and your sons donāt have to deal with him much.
Since the virus I, my sweet 7yo son, and my abusive husband have been home all the time š„“š¤Æ. And now I not only have to hold my own with the emotional abuse, but I also have deal with my sweetest boy starting to treat me the same way daddy does. It is super painful and scary. Luckily I used to be a child psych nurse cause I am trying so very hard and strategically to cut this off at the pass on a daily basis.
Before our son was even born, he was brushing me off most of the day, screaming at me almost every night, and then wanted to rub up on me every morning like nothing had happened. It was tortuous (cause I was already pregnant and with a chronic illness that cause me to have to leave my job). Super manipulative and disgusting! Once I had a little baby, long term insane pain do to botched delivery, no help from him, and my chronic illness – I beyond reached my limit. I def could not get any sleep next to him cause he had just been chewing me out and avoiding the rest of / my side of the conversation by going to sleep!?! I was so angry at him that I just could be relax enough to fall asleep.
I kicked him out of the bed and he has been on the couch / in the guest room / in his own room for 6+ years. For many years he was pushing sex super inappropriately based on his other behavior each day – sometimes I would give in cause he was just exhausting and not taking no for an answer and threatening to leave us with nothing and I am too sick to work, maintain a home, and care for our son. It never worked for more than moments and I was ten times as pissed when his behavior was bad right away after because I had allowed him to abuse me. He only stated to get better very painfully slowly over time when I completely shut him off of sex.
It took him over two years of Zero sex of any kind until I finally could say yes again without feeling completely revoked by him. And keep in mind, I said finally said yes long after he finally stopped demanding it, or even asking for it regularly. And it was not to please or appease him, I was only to be initiated by me for my own reasons. That was the only thing I could withhold from him that he actually super cared about ā it seem there are very few things he does care about other than being super cold and disrespectful of me. Never forget your strength, your loving heart, and that the horrible behavior of others does NOT reflect on who you really are inside!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
I have read so many on how to leave a narcissist, but just didn’t feel like the right move. It may some day … but this is the first time I’ve read about staying. After years of gaslighting, my self esteem and confidence shattered by my husband
The worst thing is he can be amazing and honestly sweet and this feeds my reason for not leaving. I seem to have created a monster by threatening to leave a few times and backing out of it. So he knows it will never happen. I can’t seem to leave.
I like many aspects of this guy and I hate many. I feel like I’m in a yoyo relationship. I look in the mirror and am shocked at how empty and sad my eyes look. His narcissistic abuse has broken me and I realize I have to rebuild myself if I’m to ever be strong enough to leave.
He has many people in his life that have lost respect for him. But he replaced them with other people who worship and admire him cause he’s like their super hero coming in to save the day by doing nice gestures for them solving their problems, etc.
Honestly the guy confuses me profusely. It feels like Jekyll and Hyde.
I have started to rebuild. I bought my house which he tried to discourage me from. I renovated it. I built a rental in the basement to bring extra income. I went on a retreat all by myself to gain strength.
But I still make him the priority and wake up thinking of him or fall asleep thinking of him of the good and bad in him. As of late, I wake up with small panic attacks thinking about how he may be gaslighting about this or that.
Thank you for podcast episode that allows me to see I’m not the only one stuck
What you are going through makes total sense. We’ve all been there. I want you to consider that the good is grooming – it’s also abuse. So there aren’t good and bad times, it’s all bad. The grooming is nice and helpful, but deceitful in it’s intent because it’s there to get you to back off. If you can summon your anger, anger is a good thing and can help you.
I completely get it. I am just discovering here too. Also, it’s been 33 years, and I do not really want to be single, we are grandparents. I want to enjoy his good days.
This is a thought provoking reality check after being with someone for over 30 years and finally becoming aware after an unusually hurtful episode which left me feeling as if some spell or drug had worn off like a sudden awakening. I tried so hard to please. I didnāt know how lost I was until what seemed like the serotonin wore off and I saw how I was being treated and kept confused.
Yet to still love and hope that there really was a connection after all. However, from that point on I saw how the lies, mirroring, and deflection was the hardest to realize.
I should have realized sooner, but I had tried so hard. Thank you for sharing these insights. I am stuck living in a granny flat due to my old age farther. But I’m going to prepare myself and come to terms with the reality of what my marriage really is.
I am grateful for the tips you shared. My husband of 20 years has always had narcissistic tendencies but since his cancerous brain tumor and treatment it has been very, very challenging in our house. I cannot leave, I love him and so much of this is the cancer, but I need a way to survive my new life and to help my kids survive.
I’m in a 30 year marriage with four grown kids and just discovered that my husband is a narcissist. I’m so thankful for the great advise and some questions I had answered. It’s been a long road and finally I have some clearance to why his been this way for so long. My eldest son had a breakdown at 18 because of him. I forgave him, I moved on with my family & him. Also, I am still here. I wish I could have found it out early. But I will try to do the best with what I have at almost 50 it seems unlikely that I will ever get out of this thing. He did everything a narcissist does you can think of. I’ve been there and gone through it
All I can say to woman out there is empower yourself, save money and invest in a property put it aside for in case that day comes and no longer can take it. You have a nest egg and made provision for yourself to carry on. I couldn’t do but please do it for yourself and your children
Well, I met my spouse in 1987, my mother was dying of cancer and I was putting myself through college. My spouse was active in my singles group at church. I have given my life entirely to Christ. He was faithful to be at all the services etc. I did not have a lot of time to date. He had moved here because he had graduated from college and a local firm hired him. There was no family members locally.
After a few weeks of dating, he proposed to me, I thought well, he seems like a good Christian person. There was no pressure for sex and there was no sex prior to our wedding 8 months later. He convinced me to go to another state to meet the rest of his family 2 older brothers and his mother. He was estranged from his father because he had helped his mother get her divorce from him as they had an unhappy marriage for years. I met the mother who professed Christianity.
My mother died one week before my wedding. His estranged father showed up at the wedding with a new girl friend, I was oblivious to this as the girlfriend did not enter the church, if she did and I have thought about this, I think my precious father would not allow her. My father knew something was not right and would not allow a scene to be made, I had just buried my mother 4 days prior.
My husband could not perform on our wedding night.
Life went on, I was busy raising two children, one is profoundly retarded. My spouse worked his way up the corporate ladder while I raised my children. He ignored his son completely. In 2007 I caught him looking at something inappropriate on the internet? we put a filter up. 2011 I walked in on him working around the filter to look at women in lingerie. I called a mega church and spoke to a pastor on staff. I told him and I will never forget the words he said “Leave him immediately”
I said, “He is kind, and I don’t want my daughter to grow up without a father.” She was a teen.
He said to me, “I admire your faith” the phone call ended.
2017 I had a horrific D-day and my world was changed forever. I consumed everything I could on Sexual Addiction/Porn addiction. He cried, begged and I told him to get help.
He went to a local group, which was nothing but an enabling group.
I discovered a mistress and I made my first appointment here at btr.org with a coach who has helped me walk through this private “pit”. The key aspect I wanted to make is that she introduced me to narcissism. He is a Covert, non violent, sex and porn addict who chooses not to change. I have stayed due to medical/prescription/age. I put up boundaries however.
I have listened to the Betrayal Trauma Recovery podcast and read the articles on btr.org over and over. It’s helped me the most for sure.
No woman of any race, level of education is abuse proof from these individuals. Within the past 3 years, I discovered his father was a sexual cross dresser and sex and porn addict, both his brothers are sex addicts and his mother was not a Christian but was into witchcraft, the occult and sorcery for decades. I think it is so important to know and study the family you are going to inherit. My MIL/FIL died within the past three years and all of this came out. Educate, Educate and if you have to RUN!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, Lisa!! Hugs!! I’m so glad we’re fighting this evil together:).
Oh my, me too. 51 yrs until I really learned the name for my husband’s rude detestable behavior: narcissism. š¤¦āāļø So complex … not a healthy marriage!!!! Never was.
From first year of marriage, so many things I couldnāt understand or put my finger on. And of course, no one to talk to. In past month read the book Stop Walking on Eggshells which explained it all. It’s not me, as he so often tried to make it.
Went to first sound Christian counselor yesterday who totally understands narcissism, but so sad to hear, “He wonāt change.” What a difficult personality disorder to understand. How can a person be high functioning and incapable of changing. But over 50 years, I experience the same inconsiderate, selfish issues over and over.
It has been 51 years. I always have waited for the caring loving person to return and the monster to go away. It’s to late for me. I am older now, emotionally destroyed. I cannot forgive myself and I don’t think the broken me will ever know joy. I dread knowing I will have this lonlyness, this emptiness until my last breath.i feel so bitter so angry almost a hate of hurting me for 51 years, but still I stayed, hoping and praying for a change that never came. I still love a part of him that is so deep inside.since 15,, he was and is my forever love. I m left asking God why?? All my cries my tears my prayers,, why couldn’t you give me a loving husband. Some happiness in my life. Why God do you hate me so??
Nyne, I feel you luv, I have been married to an ever-evolving narcissistic addict husband for 35 years, we have 4 children.
It hasn’t been easy I attempted suicide a few times, I really wanted to die he had me so unbelievably messed up and confused. I could not function at all, my children were very young and they didn’t understand they just heard us fighting all the time. My husband is addicted to so many things and it has been a red flag thing from the very start yet “love'” took over the hurt he was causing me, my parents hated him they saw right through him and was from “the wrong side of the tracks,” but like all of us we think our spouse will change.
Well, I have resolved to the fact after 35 years of marriage He is NOT going to change, in fact he has gotten worse. I do love him, he used to be good to me more so than ever before I started fighting back. I am telling you when you become so convinced at what a “scumbag” I was according to him it became believable I questioned everything I did and the gaslighting was deadly resulting in periods of amnesia, and my suicide attempts.
His biggest addiction is sexual porn peeping tom he was sexually abused by his brother and his friends as a child which he claims was quite pleasurable. My sexuality was compromised I gave in to his desires to keep him happy, but its NEVER enough. I am never enough. How can you tell your wife he is thinking of me while watching porn? I said to him ok that’s like me saying well when I have sex with some dude I am thinking of you. Am I right?
Girl bottom line is if you stay you must become stronger in who you are building your confidence in yourself and your abilities. Know he is the ONLY one who tries to mess with your mind because he is preying on you (woman). Don’t let that kill your whole day. He probably would never stand up to another male and fight them like mine won’t but he will go after me, especially after I catch him doing something that I hate, the porn that’s gone too far then lies and denies it so I get punished and blamed yadda yadda, shame on me.
But, I admittedly still love my husband and she’s awful mother who is also a narcissist who will always be in his corner for support. I need his money now he hasn’t worked in years I supported his butt for many years after he blamed me for losing the very job I got him. He was caught sleeping on the job and whatever, he felt above the jobs law so to speak. Now like everything else good just falls in his lap with hardly any effort ( which I still do not understand compared to the majority of people) and he lands this job in his element and I have a house and new car and well bills he can finally pay. I don’t have the greatest life but this is my way of getting back what he owes me and took from me. Maybe not the best way to move forward but there is so much involved I need his financial contributions now for sure. I am a believer and love the lord. I pray over this situation often. I find my supports elsewhere. It stinks but it is what it is I am a stronger person for the trials. Believe it or not I am an empath and very compassionate even for the toxic people in my life only those people miss out on have everything from me I would give them knowing now what I have walked through fire for to realize who I am.
I just landed on this site and I canāt believe I finally found others going through the same thing I am. I have been married for 49 years to this person and never really knew what this was called!! I stay with him because we have 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren! I love him and a lot of the time hate him! Iām very sad about our life and never really knew what what wrong with him! Now I know! Thank all of you for helping me finally understandā¦.
Thank you for this useful article, but realizing some of us choose not to or are not in a situation to leave right now. I have a 1 year and 3 year old baby and am living amidst the chaos.
I found out my husband is a sex addict when I was pregnant with my second, but I wasn’t working and am in a new country where I have no family, and with covid couldn’t escape. I live in Europe.
Have you considered our daily, online support group in every time zone?
Wow! How life has changed when nothing actually changed. It’s bizarre yet powerful! Changing the lens of perception we view life through can suddenly change everything! I relate to so much of what has been said in the podcast and on these posts. My whole world came crashing down a couple of months ago when those lightbulb moments started. It was actually through dragging my daughter to countless therapy sessions and trying to figure stuff out that I realized her dad treats me exactly the same way as she does.
Neither of them can see it in themselves yet they each see it in the other and are disgusted by the otherās behavior! My son and I find it so incomprehensible how they don’t realize they are both manifesting the same behaviors. I am emotionally exhausted and shattered and done. They both shut me down so I have no voice. They have no empathy, blame me for everything (nothing is ever their fault), both explode and get extremely defensive if I dare mention anything different to what they want to hear. My opinions are wrong and its like they just oppose them for the sake of opposing. My feelings are ridiculous, wrong and dismissed as being invalid.
Over the years I learned how I needed to be in order to make the marriage work. Learned what I could and couldn’t say. There is little to no emotional connection, and I fill the voids with shallow conversations. My whole life has revolved around them. I am totally suffocated! More so now that my husband keeps āworking from homeā and my daughter has dropped out if school and is doing online classes. I have no friends and my family all live in the UK.
My husband is against my family and filled my head with awful things about them to pull me away from them. He has always wanted me exclusively to himself and even gets jealous of the kids! My son is my rock, and he too is often on the receiving end of their self absorbed ways. I feel objectified by my husband when having sex. He persuaded me it was ok to have sex before marriage even though it went against my beliefs. He twisted things, wouldn’t take no for an answer and wore me down until I said yes. Which has been a repeated pattern when he wanted me to do a nude photo shoot in front of a make photographer on my own to āhelp me recover from my eating disorderā, constantly messaging me for nude photos and taking nude photos and getting me to watch a video of another couple so we would get some ideas of what to do, constantly producing new toys for the bedroom in the middle of sex but would never tell me about them or show me them just blindfolded me and used them.
He convinced me to do another nude photo shoot, but this time a couples one in a hotel with a female photographer basically doing the ādeedā. I felt awful, violated, disgusted but went along with it to please him. He took me to a raunchy show with pole dancers as a āsurprise Christmas presentā that I hated. Always makes me feel like a āprudeā if I don’t want to do any of it and always āpersuades meā. He played a prank on me telling me the photographer wanted me to do a shoot for a porn magazine and he spent days/weeks trying to convince me to do it as they would pay me and give me a free holiday. He even drew up a contract with a letterhead from a porn mag and wrote on it the most disgusting questions re sex preferences. Eventually I said ālook, the answer is noā and he just burst out laughing and said it was all a big joke. He doesn’t understand why it upset me and says it was just a joke!
Every time I said āif this is a joke, tell me nowā he promised me it wasn’t and I believed him! I feel so stupid that none of this dawned on me before! I am convinced he must be into porn or something or has some kind of problem but he would just deny it if I asked him and turn it back on me. Since I started to wake up to this, I have gone through feeling betrayed, stabbed in the back, stupid, grieving for a marriage that was not what I perceived it to be. I feel angry, upset, hurt and always incredibly guilty and guilty for sharing my story or even suggesting he is like this. I have moments of clarity mixed with confusion and more light bulb moments.
I have convinced him to go to marriage counselling on Friday, but he has no idea why we are going, I told him either I go for therapy on my own or we go together because I must be going crazy. He opted for going together. My plan is to ask him for honesty re does he do porn, affairs etc and to talk about the sex issues. From there, if he is honest with me I have chosen to forgive him and hope we can move forward. The rest I will put up with for now. Today I have my daughter starting therapy which I hope will help her. I have gone back to church and tonight I am going to be brave and go to a connect group from church. I don’t know anyone, but I need to start somewhere. I am reconnecting with my family and have been able to share this with my parents who have been hugely supportive. I intend to get my emotional connections and relationships elsewhere and try to get out of the pressure cooker for a break whenever I can! Small steps forward! I feel so guilty that Friday may shake his world and I keep questioning if i should just ignore it all..,
Jen! We love you. We are so glad you found us. We do not recommend that you go to couple therapy with your abuser. Confronting him when you haven’t set up boundaries will put you in danger. Have you considered scheduling with Coach Renee and setting boundaries first, and observing from a safe distance? What you’re describing here is serious sexual abuse in the form of sexual coercion, emotional abuse, and psychological abuse. You may also be a victim of sexual trafficking. The plan you suggest here seems like a recipe for two outcomes: he will promise to change but not change (groom you) and use manipulative kindness for a bit to convince you he’s changed or he will become more overtly abusive. I am concerned that this plan will make things worse for you. Please reach out so we can help you develop a plan to get you to emotional, psychological, and sexual safety.
I met with a counsellor today. She also advised to not go ahead with couples therapy as she didnt feel
It was a safe option so I have cancelled the appointment. I am meeting with her again next week to try and figure out where I go from here.
So obviously there are some “good” times or I wouldn’t stay. Are you saying these good times are grooming and not real? Maybe this answer will finally help me to leave.
Yes, that’s exactly what we’re saying:). Grooming, although it feels good, is abuse.
I’m so glad. That sounds much more safe:). Hugs!
Hi, I have been with a narcissist for 17yrs. He needs counseling I gave up on him. We have 3 kids he needs to be better for his kids. when he’s cheating he blames me for cheating.
48 years of emotional abuse . . . living near all of his family. His mother cried and didnāt go to my bridesmaids luncheon.
I was so stupid. He was very good looking. Looks fade, and he’s been so hateful the entire time. No sex in 30 years, so mean to me. We canāt even watch tv together. Heās told me not to cook for him. I can’t bring groceries in the house. We canāt go on trips because we would be in the same car. He is vile and vicious to me. Never a kind word. But he’s so nice in public, so everyone thinks he’s amazing. Even my grown kids just canāt seem to see it.