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Healing from betrayal trauma
What About Recovery For Me?

Victims of betrayal and abuse CAN find healing, hope, and peace. BTR.ORG can help.

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Healing from betrayal trauma

When intimate betrayal is treated as a couple’s issue, “recovery” can be a confusing term. Therapists, coaches, sponsors, and others may refer to the offender’s “recovery” more than the victim’s “recovery”.

At BTR.ORG, we know the immense devastation and damage that victims experience resulting from a partner’s infidelity. Our focus is NOT on the offender’s “recovery” (ie. behavioral changes or accountability), but on the victim’s recovery.

The Trauma Model

Because we view intimate betrayal as an abuse issue, we follow the trauma model.

Victims are encouraged to seek support, empowerment, self-care, and safety.

The Codependency Model

Traditional Sex-Addiction Recovery organizations often claim to use the trauma model, yet victims are encouraged to recover by following the same basic outline of the famous twelve-steps, including close self-speculation that is often harmful to victims.

Recovery Means Healing

Here at BTR.ORG, we view a victim’s recovery as true healing. We do not pathologize victims as “codependent” or as having attachment issues because we know that abuse and trauma destroy a victim’s safety.

Healing and recovery begin to happen as victims find validation, safety, and peace in the power of community. Consider attending a BTR.ORG Group Session today.

recovering from betrayal trauma
Have you been lied to? Manipulated?

Discovered porn or inappropriate texts on your husband's phone?
Are you baffled by illogical conversations with him?

Here's What To Do Next

Get the steps we wish EVERY woman had!

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