Victims of betrayal and emotional abuse are seeking clarity – “I just want the truth. I just want safety.”
We get it.
That’s why our team of coaches are specifically trained to help women who have experienced intimate betrayal (including secret pornography use), relational abuse, and sexual coercion.
What To Expect From Your BTR.ORG Coaching Experience
The process of healing is a process. Many of us took years to understand that the conventional therapeutic approaches were not helping us. Our trauma was often exacerbated by the harmful advice of professionals who didn’t understand our situation. That’s why we’re here. Because when we were at the end of our rope and had nowhere else to turn, we found a model that works for us.
So, what CAN you anticipate when working with any one of our BTR coaches?
In EVERY single session, expect your coach to:
- Provide a safe space to process your trauma, experience compassion, and receive validation for everything you’re feeling and facing.
- Help you regain your own strength, clarity and sense of direction.
- Support you with absolutely NO AGENDA of her own—offering instead only patience, empathy, and tools to help you uncover your own truth, for your own sake.
In sessions during your first phase, Safety & Stabilization, expect your coach to help you:
- Identify your most urgent needs.
- Assess your network of “safe people,” those upon whom you can lean for support.
- Work toward stabilizing your relationships, specifically in terms of emotional, mental, physical and sexual safety.
- Learn techniques to ground yourself, especially during moments when your trauma is triggered.
- Recognize your most frequent or significant triggers, then create healthy boundaries to remove, reduce or respond to them.
BTR Coaches Help You Process Grief
In sessions during your second phase of your recovery – the Grieving & Processing phase – expect your coach to help you:
- Accept yourself and where you’re at within the process of grief and recovery.
- Articulate the specific things you’ve lost
- Recognize the different ways grief manifests within survivors of betrayal trauma and emotional abuse, as well as other forms of relational abuse.
- Experience and process the pain in healthy (versus harmful) ways.
- Leverage the grief to move yourself through the trauma and toward long-term healing.
BTR Coaches Help You Grow After Trauma
In sessions during your third phase of your recovery – the Rebuilding & Reconnection phase – expect your coach to help you:
- Reclaim parts of yourself you’ve lost through your experience of betrayal trauma and abuse
- Reorient yourself within a new, post-traumatic reality
- Reconnect with others—often in new ways, supported by new boundaries and new priorities
- Rebuild the kind of life you want to live moving forward, with new convictions, purpose and passions.
Remember, we are here because we get it. As women recovering from betrayal trauma, we balance a strong need for predictability (no more surprises, please!) with a sense of cautious openness to whatever comes next.
You Deserve Support.
You – yes you! deserve support. You deserve a space to be your authentic self.
Will you allow us to provide you that space?
I’ve been searching for porn on everything. I know my husband is using porn, I just can’t catch him!