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What Are Women Saying About Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group?

Alone? Afraid? Join the Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group today.

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Are you alone right now? Scared, heartbroken, and sick over the betrayal and abuse that you are enduring?

Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group can help you.

Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group: Available On Your Timeline

The Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group meets daily in multiple time zones. This makes the support you need accessible and convenient.

We know that getting dressed can feel overwhelming and impossible to traumatized women – that’s why the Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group meets online. Come as you are and know that you will be loved and validated, never judged.

What Are Women Saying About Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group?

At BTR, we consistently receive heartfelt expressions of gratitude for the Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group.

Here are some of the things women are saying about the Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group:

“I was desperate for help and searched the internet for answers. I came across the Betrayal Trauma Recovery podcast and binged listened to every episode. Knowledge is power.”

“My husband lives in an upside down world and I find myself lost and confused in his world. BTR invested in me and has impacted my life.”

“I am in the thick of it. But I have come to understand and know that I will own this pain one day, instead of it owning me.”

“BTR was a life-saver for me. God brought me to you. You are making a difference.”

“Having women who have walked in my shoes is invaluable at the time I needed it the most.”

“The format of BTR group is the most clear, safe and ethical format I have ever seen.”

“The validation and guidance is invaluable to me.”

“All of BTR has been a lifeline for me. I love that I am able to get help from home. It is a much needed community for me.”

“I know I am not alone.”

Join The Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group Today

Every victim of betrayal and abuse deserves a safe place to process trauma, share stories, ask questions, and make connections with other victims who get it.

Join the Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group today and receive the support that you deserve.

recovering from betrayal trauma
Have you been lied to? Manipulated?

Discovered porn or inappropriate texts on your husband's phone?
Are you baffled by illogical conversations with him?

Here's What To Do Next

Get the steps we wish EVERY woman had!

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