making amends after abuse

Should I Leave My Abusive Husband?

Deciding whether to stay or leave an abusive relationship can feel overwhelming, confusing, and lonely.

Many victims feel confused and alone as they face the painful decision of whether they should stay or leave an abusive marriage.

At BTR.ORG, we encourage victims to make the best decisions they can toward the most safety possible.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself as you evaluate your situation and determine your next steps.

How Do I Feel When I Think About…

Tuning in to our bodies and the sensations and emotions that we experience when we consider certain questions is a helpful way to determine how we truly feel, or what we believe is true. Ask yourself: How do I feel when I think about

  • Being in the same physical space as my husband?
  • Kissing my husband?
  • Sharing my deepest thoughts and dreams with my husband?
  • Sleeping in the same room as my husband while he is awake?
  • Stating an opinion that is different than my husband’s?

Do I Feel Differently When I Think About…

  • Standing on a mountain, completely alone?
  • Hugging my best friend?
  • Sharing my deepest thoughts and dreams with a supportive family member?
  • Resolving a difficult conflict with a coworker, and feeling better afterwards?

If I Want to Leave, What Are My Next Steps?

As you move forward on your journey to safety, you may decide that you want to leave your marriage.

It’s important that you continue to prioritize your safety and leave as safely as possible. Your local domestic violence shelter is a great resource to help you develop a safe exit plan. Our BTR.ORG Group Sessions are a safe space for you to process your thoughts and feelings as you work toward safety.


When You Fear Starting Over: How To Address His Emotional Abuse

Fear of Starting Over can stop a woman’s journey to emotional safety. Karen DeArmond Gardner shares empowering insights on moving forward.


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