A lot of people see the disability from the outside, but they don’t see anything that is going on in the inside, like what types of things are going on with their spouse. Women may be free and open to talk about their children’s needs and the disabilities, but they are quiet about the private suffering due to abuse in their home.
Anne Blythe, founder of Betrayal Trauma Recovery
Victims of betrayal and emotional abuse deal may feel overwhelmed by the trauma. Some of these victims are also mothers of special needs children. These courageous women deserve support, love, and validation. Anne interviews June, a victim of abuse and mother of four special needs children. June offers experiences and advice for abused mothers of special needs children. Listen to the BTR podcast for more.
Children Are Always Impacted By Domestic Abuse
All of my children have been affected by trauma from seeing abuse in the home, in regards to how my husband treated me in front of them. He was extremely verbally and emotionally abusive and eventually physically abusive to me in front of them. Regardless of whether or not a child has special needs, the treatment for children who have been impacted by trauma and children that have special needs overlaps greatly.
June, member of the Betrayal Trauma Recovery Community
Regardless of whether or not your partner has directly abused your children, children are always impacted by abuse in a home.
Betrayal and Emotional Abuse Drain Mothers Of Energy and Time
All mothers, but especially mothers of special needs children, need to have energy and strength to nurture children.
When a woman is being abused, her attention and time may be directed to her partner and trying to save the relationship. For June, this wasn’t acceptable and she decided to focus on her children’s safety:
I tried very hard to save my marriage. I delved into learning all I could about porn use, unhealthy relationships, overcoming affairs and infidelity, and abuse. It became clear to me that the situation I was in was taking away from my ability to be the best parent I could for my children. So much of the time, I was in trauma repeatedly from daily verbal abuse, emotional manipulation, sexual coercion, and spiritual abuse and it impacted by ability to really be present for my children and advocate for them.
June, member of the Betrayal Trauma Recovery community
Abuse Must Not Be Normalized Or Modeled For Children With Special Needs
Being in an abusive relationship can hinder a woman’s ability to be the best parent she can be because she is in a constant state of trauma. Implementing boundaries and learning about abuse and toxic relationships can help empower women in these difficult situations. June shares the point of intersection that became undeniable for her to realize her situation was not sustainable,
My son did not speak until he was age 5. The turning point for me was when he started talking, I realized he could start mimicking the verbal abuse he was hearing in the home and repeating the horrific words I was being called by my husband. I knew it was a impacting my children and would continue to impact them. I did not want this abuse to be normalized for my children any longer.
June, member of the Betrayal Trauma Recovery community
How Trauma Impacts Children With Special Needs
Any child that is going through the divorce of their parents is experiencing a trauma, even in the best of circumstances. Trauma can cause challenging behaviors to increase in children, particularly in children that have special needs. In regards to her 9-year-old son with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder, Sensory Integration Disorder and ADHD, June explains,
My autistic son is the most profoundly impacted by disabilities. He can have a very hard time processing things. He can tend to perseverate on things. He may have more difficult time with changes in routine or going between two homes for weekend visitations. He may have a more difficult time understanding the separation and divorce. He tends to have some insomnia and anxiety. Some of his behaviors have escalated due to the trauma.
June, member of the Betrayal Trauma Recovery community
How Do You Help Special Needs Children Cope With Trauma?
What is the best way to deal with a child that has special needs who may be experiencing the trauma of an abusive home? It is important to teach children what emotions look like and how to handle difficult feelings in healthy and productive ways. June describes some of her tips:
In my own home and in my own parenting, I incorporate things to help them feel safe and process trauma and handle their emotions. We will do mindfulness work together often times in those difficult moments. Using coping skills and tools that help strengthen emotional intelligence is key in managing these types of challenges.
June, member of the Betrayal Trauma Recovery community
Four Tools To Increase Coping Skills In Children With Special Needs
- Make a Calm Corner or a Sensory Safe Space in your home can help children feel safe.
- Do Time-In’s instead of Time-Out’s where children can check in emotionally and examine the “why” of a difficult behavior.
- Use a Question Jar at mealtimes that can help prompt conversation and connection.
- Start a Communication Journal or Sharing Diary with your child to promote one-one-one communication that may be difficult to share verbally.
Betrayal Trauma Recovery Supports Abused Mothers
At BTR, we understand how daunting life can seem: just getting out of bed feels like an unconquerable feat at times.
All women, but especially mothers of special needs children deserve support, validation, and empowerment. If you’re a victim of abuse, BTR.ORG Group Sessions can support you through your hardest moments.
OMG!This is me! Same situation except my children are 16 to 24 (2 boys, 2 girls) and I’ve yet to start the separation/divorce to a sexually addicted spouse (same as yours). Personally just too busy with kids and full time job. I worried about my girls being with my husband so I decided to wait.Such a relief to hear from you. Carving out time for me so I can stay positive has been extremely difficult some days but finally getting better. I agree mindfulness is so useful .
Me too!
My disabled child of 9 years old is the victim to emotional and physical abuse, and neglect. Her father who just recently got to know her at age 8, who called DCF on me to get custody to lower his child support, would withhold her medication and the hit her for her behaviors that medicine stopped. She was non verbal until 5. He insulated her numerous times, name called her, would force her to take unnecessary showers given by him, and made several threats to her and myself including saying we would never see each other again. I recently got DCF in Massachusetts involved, and I’m yet to bring it to their attention that she is disabled. I mentioned she was on SSI though. I recently came across the Disabled Person’s Protection Commission and now I’m researching everything. I’m also disabled and both of us are receiving SSDI me, her SSI. Any information I can use in court would be greatly appreciated. I’m filing for full physical and legal custody.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. We encourage women to enroll in The Living Free and Message Workshops to learn the best strategy to deal with these men.
He used my bipolar diagnosis he found out through his girlfriend that works at my doctor’s office in billing, against me to gain custody. He hacked my accounts and I couldn’t prove it last year at the time, but I can now a year later. After I already got her back on a 50/50 custody agreement. He said I was crazy and sent police out here. I was released from the hospital in 2 hours but he continually attacked me to wear I did get super paranoid and DCF gave this career criminal come to find out last month all of his charges throughout his life, they gave him temporary custody which stopped his child support payments. He did nothing but abuse us both. I just occured to me that he abused 2 disabled people one being his own child. I never put the 2 together until tonight. I have a whole new outlook on our case now.