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He's Using Porn: I Need Support
He’s Using Pornography… I Need Support

Did you recently discover your partner's secret pornography use? You deserve support. BTR.ORG has the resources to help you navigate this painful journey.

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He's Using Porn: I Need Support

Did you recently discover your husband’s secret pornography use?

Take a deep breath. You’re not alone. And no, you are NOT crazy or overreacting.

He’s Using Porn – But That’s Not All

Secret pornography use is not a stand-alone issue. Gaslighting, crazy-making, blame-shifting, and other forms of psychological and emotional abuse are tactics that abusers often use to protect their harmful decisions and keep themselves from being accountable.

You deserve support.

4 Ways To Find Support From Intimate Betrayal (Including Porn Use)

No Matter What He Chooses, You Can Choose Emotional & Sexual Safety

Here at BTR.ORG, we understand the overwhelming chaos you feel when you discover your partner’s secret pornography use. Just brushing your teeth can feel like an insurmountable task.

Try to remember to give yourself grace as you process this new information and give yourself the space to create emotional safety for yourself rather than immediately “working on the marriage”.

Your Next Three Steps

If you don’t know what to do next, consider using these next three steps. Many women have found these practical steps helpful as they navigate a new and painful reality.

recovering from betrayal trauma
Have you been lied to? Manipulated?

Discovered porn or inappropriate texts on your husband's phone?
Are you baffled by illogical conversations with him?

Here's What To Do Next

Get the steps we wish EVERY woman had!

Check your inbox to see What To Do Next. We'll be with you every step of the way.

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