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how to heal from abuse without a disclosure
Healing Without Closure: He Won’t Tell Me The Whole Truth

You may never receive an apology, the whole truth, or restitution. But you CAN find healing, no matter what your abuser chooses to do.

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how to heal from abuse without a disclosure

If you don’t know, then you know.

Anne Blythe, Founder of BTR.ORG

Many victims of betrayal and emotional abuse never get the closure they deserve. They never get an “I’m sorry, I hurt you. I abused you. I lied to you.”

They want to know: is healing possible with closure?

Healing is possible, even when your abusive partner doesn’t give you the closure you deserve.

Find Healing Through Safety, Whether or Not You Have The Truth

The sad reality is that many abusers are not willing to tell the truth, let alone own it and make restitution.

Naturally, women will experience grief, anger, frustration, sorrow, and rage.

Allow yourself to work through these emotions, but remember to focus on your own healing and safety, rather than spending your time thinking or working toward getting an apology from your abuser.

Healing When You Don’t Know The Full Extent Of The Betrayal

Abusers notoriously only confess bits and pieces of the truth, leaving victims in a vortex of confusion.

Ultimately, women must decide to move forward without the whole truth. Women can proactively work toward their own health and safety by getting tested for STDs, speaking with victims’ advocates, and finding a safe support network to help them through the painful journey of healing.

When You Deserve An Apology, But Don’t Get One

The lack of closure and validation an apology could offer, can be frustrating, heartbreaking, and maddening. However, as victims seek safe support networks and rely on them, they can begin to find healing.

A “safe” support person is someone who is abuse and trauma-informed and has healthy boundaries against abuse.

When women take all of the anger, pain, loss, grief, and rage, and express it in healthy ways with people who truly love and care for them, it can be tremendously healing.

Our BTR.ORG Group Sessions are where you can find the support that you need as you navigate this devastating path.

recovering from betrayal trauma
Have you been lied to? Manipulated?

Discovered porn or inappropriate texts on your husband's phone?
Are you baffled by illogical conversations with him?

Here's What To Do Next

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