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How Can BTR.ORG Help Me Find Peace Again?

BTR.ORG offers services that help YOU find peace again after intimate betrayal and emotional abuse. Learn how we can help you today.

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BTR.ORG Group Sessions have been life changing for me. The sessions I attended encouraged me to make the hard choices for the betterment of my family and out of love for myself. I have been deeply impacted by hearing of the other ladies struggles and victories. I have also been able to learn from their stories and journeys.

Anonymous BTR.ORG community member

BTR.ORG Supports Emotional Abuse & Betrayal Victims

Discovering your partner’s infidelity is excruciating. Betrayal and emotional abuse feel overwhelming and terrifying. You might be wondering: can BTR.ORG help me?

What Is Betrayal Trauma?

Women betrayed by an intimate partner experience betrayal trauma. Some symptoms include:

  • Grief
  • Terror
  • Fear
  • Panic attacks
  • Headaches
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Overeating/undereating
  • Fatigue

BTR.ORG Helps Victims – This is How

At BTR.ORG, the following services are offered to women suffering from the effects of betrayal trauma and relational abuse:

What are BTR.ORG Group Sessions?

You can access BTR.ORG Group Sessions daily in every time zone. Our Group Sessions offer community, support, and validation to women all over the world. 

When I first was introduced to BTR.ORG Group Sessions, my world had turned upside down. I was lost in overpowering emotions. The coaches helped me through the emotions. They guided me to discover what brings me peace. They taught me to advocate for myself. I have found deep friendships and support that I would never have found otherwise. I have found a place of healing and strength.

Anonymous member of the BTR.ORG community

What Are Individual Coaching Sessions?

At BTR, we believe that women deserve safety in every facet of their lives. BTR.ORG coaches are trained to help women find safety, process trauma, and work toward healing and peace. 

Betrayed women generally have to visit therapists several times before feeling understood. BTR.ORG coaches understand and offer help right away. Schedule your session today.

How Can I Listen to the Free BTR Podcast?

The BTR.ORG Podcast airs weekly and offers incredible stories of inspirational women all over the world triumphing over trauma and advocating for victims. Many of the women interviewed are members of the BTR.ORG community.

How Can I Find Relief From Betrayal Trauma Today?

Betrayal hurts. Here are some ways you can start finding relief today.

  • Journal your feelings
  • Doodle or draw
  • Share your story with a safe friend
  • Rest if you are tired
  • Get hydrated
  • Eat a nutritious meal
  • Spend some time outside
  • Do yoga
  • Take a walk
  • Listen to soothing music
  • Take a bath
  • Watch a soothing movie
  • Write down a prayer
  • Stretch
  • Sing
  • Scream into a pillow
  • Run for as fast as you can for a few seconds

There Is Hope

Your trauma is real. Your pain is valid. And your fears are completely understandable. Betrayal trauma is excruciating. But it doesn’t have to be lonely.

We want you to know that you’re not alone. You can heal. You can feel joy again. And you can feel peace.

recovering from betrayal trauma
Have you been lied to? Manipulated?

Discovered porn or inappropriate texts on your husband's phone?
Are you baffled by illogical conversations with him?

Here's What To Do Next

Get the steps we wish EVERY woman had!

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