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Betrayal Trauma Recovery Club
BTR.ORG Group Sessions Saved My Life

Elsie shares how BTR.ORG Group Sessions have helped her identify and begin to heal from the trauma of emotional abuse and betrayal.

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Betrayal Trauma Recovery Club

Hidden abuse: by its very nature it can be nearly impossible to identify.

Many women spend months, years, unaware that they are experiencing emotional & psychological abuse and sexual coercion.

Our BTR.ORG Group Sessions help victims identify hidden abuse and find emotional safety.

Victims Often Experience “Secondary” or “Institutional” Abuse

“I immediately sought out counseling, but I was never allowed to express anger. That would have been inappropriate. No one had any real answer at this point.”

Elsie, member of the BTR.ORG Community

Secondary abuse, or Institutional abuse occurs when therapists, clergy, and others, re-traumatize victims. This occurs when they:

  • Minimize the abuse
  • Justify the abuse
  • Blame the victim
  • Enable the abuser
  • Shame the victim
  • Rationalize the abuse
  • Dismiss the victim
  • Ignore the victim
  • Unfairly label the victim
  • Humiliate the victim
  • Side with the abuser

Secondary abuse is difficult to overcome. But women can ultimately find healing as they separate themselves from abusive behavior and find appropriate, empathetic support.

Victims Need Validation and Real Empathy

“Until I found BTR, no one out there validated my experiences in any of this. Any time we sought help elsewhere, all help focused on him.”

Elsie, member of the BTR.ORG Community

At BTR.ORG, we understand that women need each other to process the trauma of emotional abuse and betrayal, and to work through their own journeys to healing. The validation, support, and love that women can give each other when they understand how painful hidden abuse is, is incredible.

When victims try to process their pain alone, they may feel stuck and isolated. They may question the validity of their experiences. It is both necessary and beautiful for victims to have safe support.

BTR.ORG Group Sessions Support Victims

“I had never done any kind of group session prior. The BTR.ORG Group Sessions were amazing. They give support, feedback, and are run by trained coaches, who immediately get it. If you want to listen, you can. There is no pressure. The ladies, as well as the coach who has had her own experience, understood my plight. They understood the exact predicament that I was in. They offered tremendous support.

It helps to know you are not alone and that there are other people out there who have sorted through it,. Others who are sorting through it and sharing ideas. If you throw something out there, someone will give you a little feedback on it and maybe expound on it a little further. This is excellent for those of us who need connection with others, who need validation. BTR offers this.”

Elsie, member of the BTR.ORG community

Attend a BTR Group Session today and receive the support that you deserve as you begin your journey to healing.

Remember, you are not alone.

recovering from betrayal trauma
Have you been lied to? Manipulated?

Discovered porn or inappropriate texts on your husband's phone?
Are you baffled by illogical conversations with him?

Here's What To Do Next

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