When you are navigating an abusive relationship, a separation, divorce, or post-separation abuse, you need validation, community, and knowledge. BTR is the best betrayal trauma resource for support.
Betrayal Trauma Resource To Learn About & Understand Emotional Abuse
BTR.ORG acknowledged the pain and acknowledged the shame and acknowledge of the betrayal; it acknowledged the reality of what I went through.
Member of the Betrayal Trauma Recovery Community
Betrayal Trauma Recovery is one of the few resources that identifies pornography use, infidelity, sexual coercion, and manipulation as abuse.
Women are validated and able to begin creating safe lives when they learn the truth.
BTR.ORG is the best betrayal trauma resource to learn the truth: betrayal is abuse, plain and simple.
The Best Betrayal Trauma Resource For Identifying Whether Or Not Your Abuser Is Changing
Many women come to BTR.ORG asking the question, “Is my husband really in recovery?”
Offering resources on grooming, gaslighting, what recovery really looks like, and daily Group Sessions BTR is your resource to help you determine what you need to live the safe, peaceful life that you deserve.
The Best Betrayal Trauma Resource For Every Stage Of Your Journey
You may have just discovered pornography on your partner’s phone or computer. You may be in the thick of a lengthy custody battle. Or you may be years into your own recovery from emotional and psychological abuse.
Wherever you are in your healing journey, BTR is here for you.
The Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group meets daily in every single time zone. Find the support that you need today.
The BTR.ORG Living Free & Message Workshops help women (no matter what stage) who are asking, “What do I do??”
The Best Resource To Hold Emotionally Abusive Men Accountable
I got this super interesting email from an abuser:
Anne, I wanted to write and thank you for your podcast. I am an addict in recovery. It has been important to me in my recovery to understand the complete depth and breadth of the trauma I am responsible for. In the last 15 months, yeah COVID, I have learned much more about the impact addicts have on their partners.
I’ve recently found your podcast and it is a resource I would recommend to all addicts ready to understand the impact of their actions. All of that learning has come outside my 12-step fellowship. I’m incredibly disappointed SAA has so few resources and tools about the trauma we have created.
I have noticed over the last few months now in our recovery community we avoid the word abuse or perpetrator because the addict may not “be ready for it” or her reaction is her reaction and that is not my side of the street.
One of the tools of the program is the 3-second rule, and because of your podcast, I am reminded how the conference approved tool reinforces that we as addicts “can’t control ourselves” and are “powerless over our thoughts to objectify women” and reinforce the sexualization of women.
I suppose it’s important to acknowledge we can fall into patterns of objectifying, but this tool reinforces “we can’t help it” and then our best option is not to look.
I realized I have complained here. My intent is to say thank you for the teaching you are doing, which is not happening in the SAA recovery community. I wanted to express gratitude for the podcast, it has helped me in my recovery.
Knowing the damage I have done, I want to advocate in SAA for better education for those of us who have betrayed our wives, and tools like this are helpful for the people who have perpetrated abuse like myself, who want to and I would argue should understand what they’ve done. Thank you.
Even men confirm that Betrayal Trauma Recovery is the ONLY resource that calls infidelity and other betrayals for what they are: abuse.
The Best Betrayal Trauma Resource For Identifying Abuse
I asked a woman in our community: How did you find Betrayal Trauma Recovery? What happened that made that possible for you?
She said, “I was looking for help. I just wanted to know what to do next. I was so confusing. Plus, there’s so much shame connected with it. I came across one of Anne’s Tiktok Videos. It talked about pornography and trauma.
“It was the first time I ever saw those two words together. And I went to the BTR.ORG website. I knew instantly it was the right place. No one else recognized, acknowledge that going what I had been through is traumatic.
“You’re constantly questioned how you feel, as a woman, as a mother, as a wife. It hits you on every level. I started listening to the Betrayal Trauma Recovery Podcast and I remember feeling like, yes. Like yes!
“Every episode of the podcast acknowledged the pain and acknowledged that betrayal is emotional abuse! To put the word trauma to it, speaks of a pain that goes beyond what anybody has ever described before.”
The Best Betrayal Trauma Resource For Post-Separation Abuse
Post-separation abuse is the norm rather than the exception. Many professionals believe that divorce is the ultimate solution when dealing with an emotional abuser.
However, ongoing emotional and psychological abuse can persist even after a divorce or during the separation period, complicating the situation significantly. If this is happening to you learn about The Living Free Workshop.
BTR.ORG has the goal of helping victims create emotional safety no matter what they’re situation – even if they choose to stay married, and also post separation and after divorce.
Click here to see the Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group Session schedule.