When You Can't Trust Your Husband, This Is The Specialized Help You Need

Best Betrayal Trauma Podcast
Founder & Executive Director

Anne Blythe, M.Ed.

Anne is a passionate advocate for women navigating betrayal trauma. Through 7 years while married and 8 years post divorce, Anne experienced her husband and then ex-husband’s continued betrayals and emotional and psychological abuse. During this time, she conducted interviews with over 300 trauma survivors both in person and on her podcast.

By asking the right questions, she identified clear patterns and developed actionable theories. But Anne didn’t stop there—she became her own test subject, to find effective strategies for healing.

When You Can’t Trust Your Husband, Here’s What You Need To Know

With persistence, Anne crafted methods that protected her and her children. Then by mentoring women from diverse circumstances—whether married, separated, or divorced, Anne confirmed the universal effectiveness of her approach.

Armed with a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction, Anne created the Living Free Workshop to equip women with safety strategies to fit their unique circumstances.

For women who can’t trust their husband or ex, learn more about The BTR.ORG Living Free Workshop and empower yourself with the strategies for healing and freedom.

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BTR.ORG has served over 6,039,877 Women




is it smart to trust your husband if he betrayed you?


per month

what advice can I get if I can't trust my husband



help if I can't trust my husband



how can I trust my husband if he betrayed me?


what if I can't trust my husband



BTR.ORG Podcast Info

Anne Blythe, M.Ed. Produces & Hosts an episode each week. Guests include victims who have learned they can’t trust their husband. These women courageously share the stories  of when they discovered his infidelity, porn use, and deceit. Anne also interviews advocates/experts in related fields.

Tune in on your favorite podcasting platform, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

The Betrayal Trauma Recovery Podcast is currently entirely free to listeners.

All episodes are transcribed.

Release Schedule

Weekly downloadable episodes are released every Tuesday.


Every episode is available in audio and written form (transcription) on BTR.ORG. Our website is ADA compliant.

Financial Support

Advocates can Support the Podcast by making a recurring monthly donation.

betrayal trauma podcast

Hands Down The Best Abuse Podcast

Anne does an incredible job exposing abuse, especially the subtleties and the underlying belief systems that allow abuse to fly under the radar. She has a lineup of guests, including well-known experts, that leave no stone unturned. Episode by episode the picture of abuse becomes crystal clear, empowering survivors to take steps toward safety.

If you can’t trust your husband, Anne is the person to turn to. She knows exactly what to do.

betrayal trauma podcast

BTR Offers Hope

Navigating life after abuse is difficult and it’s hard to know what is real and normal after leaving abuse. BTR talks about the hard and yet offers hope that it is possible to overcome what was done to us and that it doesn’t have to negatively impact the rest of our life.

betrayal trauma podcast

Clears So Many Things Up

So thankful for this podcast. I found BTR through Insta and after a year or more of not being sure if I wanted to contront myself with difficult truths by listening to the podcast. But I finally did last week. I’m so thankful and so relieved. Why on earth did I wait so long? I’m not insane or stupid! Anne explains and talks through so many facets of betrayal, so well and brings clarity to so many thoughts that were just running in circles. This is so fascinating.

betrayal trauma podcast

Essential Conversations

I am very recently out of a long term abusive marriage. I did not realize I was being abused. What I’ve learned is that I’m not alone. There are a lot of women in abusive relationships who don’t understand what’s happening or, like me, were told by a couple’s therapist that I should be doing things differently and it’s half my fault. I kept believing the lies and trying harder. When I found this podcast it was so validating. It was literally describing exactly what I was going htrough and labeling it as abuse. The conversations on the podcast are vital because I spent years going to different therapists and reading books and not until I found BTR did anyone explain how using porn can be abuse, or how gaslighting is abuse, or how maintaining false promises is abuse. The podcast really shook me out of the fog of confusion I was being kept in by my abuesr and gave me tools and changed my life.

betrayal trauma podcast

Thank You

Thank you for helping women who have been in emotionally and sexually abusive marriages and for calling out pornography as abusive. Thank you.

Betrayal Trauma Knows No Borders

Across the globe, we welcome women with open arms and hearts.

Our mission is to deliver women from emotional abuse,
psychological abuse, and sexual coercion.


The BTR.ORG Podcast educates women all over the world about issues related to trust and betrayal, specifically emotional & psychological abuse and sexual coercion.

At BTR.ORG, we affirm that abuse is a human rights issue, affecting the lives of all people, regardless of age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, class, religion, and any other differentiating characteristics. We acknowledge and hold pain for all people suffering from the effects of abuse. Because abuse is such a wide-spread issue, we focus our efforts by only serving adult women abused by men in romantic relationships.

We understand that the pronouns that we use, as well as the subject matter that we cover may not be completely relevant to all victims. However, we invite those victims who fall outside the scope of our services to contact their local domestic abuse services.

After listening to The BTR.ORG Podcast, I starting attending BTR Group Sessions.

Words truly can’t express how the BTR Group Sessions helped me! I was so impressed with the BTR Coaches and brave women. Each story & experience shared touched my life in so many ways!

I wish I would have found BTR sooner, but know it simply was in God’s timing to bring this organization into my life! I look forward to continuing Individual Sessions! Thank you BTR & Anne for everything!”


Individual and Group Sessions

BTR.ORG provides Group and Individual Sessions for women who don’t trust their husband. Do you need immediate emotional refuge from the pain and chaos caused by your husband’s lying, gaslighting, manipulation, porn use, cheating, infidelity, emotional abuse, and narcissistic traits?

BTR.ORG Group Coaching Sessions occur multiple sessions a day, in every time zone.



All of our Betrayal Trauma Coaches are trained, certified, and have personal experience. If you don’t trust your husband, they’ll know exactly what to do.

Coach Jo


Coach Jo has over 20 years of experience. With an emphasis on encouragement and validation, her goal is to help women find truth and dream again. When you can’t trust your husband, she helps women refocus their energy on healing and thriving.

Jo has experienced the process of finding your footing again and establishing a career after being a homeschool/stay at home mother. She specializes in creating a plan to move forward based on a survivor’s strengths. With several years experience as a Client Manager in financial services, she also has experience with what it takes to prepare for financial well being when leaving an abusive relationship.

Jo is a Certified Life Coach (CLC), and has taken a course through Divorce Coaches Academy. She also has 10 years experience in the financial planning field.

Coach Christina


“Step back and say, Wait a minute. Is that okay or is it not okay? If it’s not okay, it’s pretty simple. It’s time to think about emotional safety.” –Coach Christina

Christina is a Betrayal Trauma Recovery Coach with over 15 years experience.

She validates women working toward emotional, physical, spiritual and psychological safety. Her passion is helping women set effective boundaries.

Christina has a Bachelors of Science degree in Chemistry from Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge), is a Certified Life Coach (CLC) and a Certified Divorce Coach (DCC).

Help for Betrayal Trauma

Coach Renee


Coach Renee is a Betrayal Trauma Recovery Coach with over 25 years experience.

She specializes in helping women rediscover their own voice, intuition, and power.

With a gentle and empathic approach, Coach Renee validates every woman’s individual experience as victims of what some people call narcissistic abuse and helps her discover a safe path forward. If the path forward includes separation and divorce, Coach Renee is an experienced Divorce Coach with tools to help any women navigate that process effectively.

Renee is a Veteran of the United States Navy. She has extensive experience dealing with domestic abuse, Intimate Partner Violence and reporting to authorities in both the military and civilian populations. Renee is a Certified Life Coach (CLC), a Certified High Conflict Divorce Coach (HCDCC), a Certified Pre-Mediation Divorce Coach (PMDC), and a Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach.

Coach Sharon


Sharon is a Betrayal Trauma Recovery Coach with over 20 years of experience. She’s passionate about exposing injurious thought patterns caused by spiritual abuse.

As a survivor of psychological and spiritual abuse, and sexual coercion, Sharon is determined to support women to reframe their value and maintain their spiritual footing.
She speaks truth directly, yet compassionately. And she challenges anything that undermines a woman’s ability to see her truth worth.

Sharon has a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Criminal Justice from University of Massachusetts Boston. Sharon is a Board Certified Coach (BCC).

The clarity the BTR Coaches have given me is incredible. I’m so grateful that I can schedule Individual Sessions when I need more time to process. I love BTR!

When I first was started attending BTR Group Sessions, my world had turned upside down and I was lost. The BTR Coaches brought me through the overwhelming emotions and guided me to advocate for myself. In BTR, I’ve found deep friendships, support, and strength. BTR Group Sessions are amazing!

recovering from betrayal trauma
Have you been lied to? Manipulated?

Discovered porn or inappropriate texts on your husband's phone?
Are you baffled by illogical conversations with him?

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