7 Signs That You Are Experiencing Emotional Abuse

Learn the 7 signs to help you spot emotional abuse.

It is difficult to identify emotional abuse, but these 7 signs will help you. Knowledge and support will be powerful tools on your journey to healing.

Emotional & Psychological Abuse are Non-Discriminatory

Understand that women all over the world experience the pain of abuse, and find healing. You are not alone.

You have not done anything to cause your husband’s abusive behavior, and you cannot control or “cure” him from his abusiveness. That is a journey that he must take on his own.

You can begin working toward your own safety. The first step is identifying the emotional & psychological abuse.

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7 Signs That You Are Being Emotionally & Psychologically Abused

Confusion: Do you feel confused about reality? Do you wonder if you are seeing things clearly?

Low self-esteem: How do you value yourself? Do you feel that you are a worthwhile person?

Physical exhaustion: Abuse sucks the energy from even the healthiest women while simultaneously affecting sleep-patterns. How are you sleeping? Is your energy suffering?

Difficulty Making Decisions: Do you have a hard time making decisions, even about small things? Are you afraid you’ll mess everything up if you make the wrong decision?

Protecting Your Partner: Do you find yourself making excuses for your partner’s behavior to your friends and family when they make comments or ask questions about how he behaves or treats you and/or children?

Lack of privacy: Does your partner control your time, who you speak with, and where you go? Do you feel like you have to check with him before you make even small decisions?

Pelvic and/or Sexual Pain: Do you find that you have pain in your pelvic area generally and/or during sex?

If you are an abuse victim, you deserve safety now. Attend a BTR.ORG Group Session today and receive support.

Learn More about BTR Group Sessions

Emotional & Psychological Abuse Isn’t Always Easy to Spot

Covert abuse, also known as “Stealth Abuse” is not always easy to spot. Please don’t shame yourself if you have been abused or are being abused, but have not recognized it until now. This is common for emotional abuse, partner rape, and psychological abuse victims.

Support is absolutely necessary for abuse victims. No one should begin this journey alone.



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